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Whorish   Listen
Whorish  adj.  Resembling a whore in character or conduct; addicted to unlawful pleasures; incontinent; lewd; unchaste.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Whorish" Quotes from Famous Books

... Xantippe did, who was Socrates's wife, think that she had reason enough on her side to scold, brawl at, and abuse that wise and good natured Philosopher, and to dash him in the face with a whole stream of her hot Marish piss. Or that it did any waies become that hot-ars'd whorish Faustina, to govern that sage and understanding Emperor Marcus Aurelius. By no means, for then that hot-spirited, and high minded sex would prick up their Peacocks-tails so much the higher. But happy would all these hair-brain'd houswives be, if they had such Tutors to their husbands, as Aurelius ...
— The Ten Pleasures of Marriage and The Confession of the New-married Couple (1682) • A. Marsh

... a General never to have suffered a Disadvantage in Fight. How different from this Gentleman is Jack Truepenny, who has been an old Acquaintance of Sir ANDREW and my self from Boys, but could never learn our Caution. Jack has a whorish unresisting Good-nature, which makes him incapable of having a Property in any thing. His Fortune, his Reputation, his Time and his Capacity, are at any Man's Service that comes first. When he was at School, he was whipped ...
— The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 - With Translations and Index for the Series • Joseph Addison and Richard Steele

... bear, Or crooked sickles crop the ripen'd ear. Callimachus, though in invention low, Shall still be sung, since he in art doth flow. No loss shall come to Sophocles' proud vein; With sun and moon, Aratus shall remain. While slaves be false, fathers hard, and bawds be whorish Whilst harlots flatter, shall Menander flourish. Ennius, though rude, and Accius's high-rear'd strain, A fresh applause in every age shall gain, Of Varro's name, what ear shall not be told, Of Jason's Argo and the fleece ...
— The Poetaster - Or, His Arraignment • Ben Jonson

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