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Tubing   Listen
Tubing  n.  
The act of making tubes.
A series of tubes; tubes, collectively; a length or piece of a tube; material for tubes; as, leather tubing.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Tubing" Quotes from Famous Books

... himself upon the steel aerial and wrenched it loose. It was a long tubing very much like an ordinary length of gas pipe set up usually forward as one of the wireless supports, and folding down into the deck plates when the Dewey was stripped ...
— The Brighton Boys with the Submarine Fleet • James R. Driscoll

... boron was next introduced into a small clay crucible, and intensely heated in a current of hydrogen gas, for the purpose of rendering it more dense and destroying its pyrophoric properties, and was lastly introduced into a combustion tubing, heated to bright redness, and a stream of dry carbonic anhydride passed over it, in order to separate the carbon, finally ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 586, March 26, 1887 • Various

... Auratus Anglo-Wirtembergieus; id est, actus admodum Solennis; quo Jacobus Rex Angliae, &c. Regii Garteriorum supremus ac Frid. Ducem Wirtembergicum, per Rob. Spencer Barnoem declaravit, portrait woodcut Tubing. 1605 ...
— Notes & Queries 1849.11.17 • Various

... Take off the tapering glass tube, or, in the place of one long piece of rubber tube, substitute several pieces of glass tubing connected together by short pieces of rubber tubes. The obstacle to the flow has thus been greatly lessened, and the water flows out in intermittent jets to correspond to ...
— A Practical Physiology • Albert F. Blaisdell

... men, four and five in a group, bailed water as fast as possible, that the aggregate might be lessened to the greatest possible extent before the pumps, with their hoses, were attached. Then the gasoline engines began to snort, great lengths of tubing were let down into the shaft, and spurting water started down the mountain side as the task of unwatering ...
— The Cross-Cut • Courtney Ryley Cooper

Words linked to "Tubing" :   cannula, stem, drain, tube, pipage, barrel, catheter, blowtube, syphon, pipe, gun barrel, blowpipe, venturi, hosepipe, capillary, siphon, chromatography column, wellpoint, pea shooter, coil, test tube

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