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Three-handed   Listen
Three-handed  adj.  Said of games or contests where three persons play against each other, or two against one; as, a three-handed game of cards.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Three-handed" Quotes from Famous Books

... such tunes; and thus another ten minutes slipped by, a haze of dust now clouding the candles, the floor being of stone, sanded. Then another dancer fell out—one of the men—and went into the passage, in a frantic search for liquor. To turn the figure into a three-handed reel was the work of a second, Mop modulating at the same time into 'The Fairy Dance,' as better suited to the contracted movement, and no less one of those foods of love which, as manufactured by his bow, ...
— Life's Little Ironies - A set of tales with some colloquial sketches entitled A Few Crusted Characters • Thomas Hardy

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