"Tendance" Quotes from Famous Books
... forgive, or so I thought as I lay and shivered in my little bed. That his coldness, his neglect, sprang from the discovery just made that my mother as well as my father had just fled the house forever was as little known to me as the morning calamity. I had been given my usual tendance and was tucked safely into bed; but the gloom, the silence which presently settled upon the house had a very different explanation in my mind from the real one. My sin (for such it loomed large in my mind by this time) ... — Masterpieces of Mystery In Four Volumes - Detective Stories • Various
... had to retire, and happily for her, Mother Constance was just at that time sentenced by her rheumatism to spend the winter in a warm climate. She eagerly claimed Angela's tendance, and just at the end of the year there came an urgent request for a Sister from England to form a foundation in one of the new cities of Australia on the model of St. Faith's; and thither Mother Constance proceeded, with one Sister and Angela, who had thenceforth ... — The Long Vacation • Charlotte M. Yonge
... pre-existantes comme les agates; on voit que ce sont les parties constituantes de la roche qui, par un travail interne, et par une sorte de crystallisation, out pris cette disposition reguliere (que ce mot de crystallisation ne revolte point, j'appelle ainsi toute tendance a prendre une forme constante, polyedre ou non polyedre.) Les couches les plus voisine du centre sont nettes et distinctes; peu-a-peu elles le sont moins, et enfin elles s'evanouissent et se confondent avec le fond de la roche. Chaque assemblage de ces zones a une forme ronde ou ovale ... — Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 (of 4) • James Hutton
... and husband, to shun the danger attending his stay was the injunction of his duty. It was questionless the conduct which selfish regards would dictate. Wallace was left to perish alone; or, perhaps, (which, indeed, was a supposition somewhat justified by appearances,) he had been left to the tendance of mercenary wretches; by whom, at this desperate moment, ... — Arthur Mervyn - Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793 • Charles Brockden Brown
... the way, or fall aside from the great unending procession nothing stops. The terrible, tumultuous waves of humanity roll on, and the lost are not missed or mourned for, save by the few that were responsible for their coming, or for the awful lack of help and tendance that made them failures in the battle ... — Insights and Heresies Pertaining to the Evolution of the Soul • Anna Bishop Scofield
... inclination to seek others, so that except for the light fancies of an hour, or the calm affection for his cousin Barbara, whom he found on one of his visits to his home in Chorley giving a daughter's tendance to his mother, Standish had passed his three and thirtieth birthday ignorant of the nature of love, and mocking at ... — Standish of Standish - A story of the Pilgrims • Jane G. Austin
... all injury; my frame grew tall and vigorous in consequence of neglect, even as the forest-tree, left to the conflict of all the winds of heaven; while my poor little friend, Edgar, grew daily more and more diminutive, just as some plant, which nursing and tendance within doors deprive of the wholesome sunshine and generous breezes of the sky. The paleness of his cheek increased, the languor of his frame, the meagerness of his form, the inability of his nature! He was pining rapidly away, in spite of that excessive care, which, ... — Confession • W. Gilmore Simms
... 1853, 777. Wir Slawen wissen, dass die Geister einzelner Menschen und ganzer Voelker sich nur durch die Stufe ihrer Entwicklung unterscheiden.—MICKIEWICZ, Slawische Literatur, ii. 436. Le progres ne disparait jamais, mais il se deplace souvent. Il va des gouvernants aux gouvernes. La tendance des revolutions est de le ramener toujours parmi les gouvernants. Lorsqu'il est a la tete des societes, il marche hardiment, car il conduit. Lorsqu'il est dans la masse, il marche a pas lents, car il lutte.—NAPOLEON III., Des Idees Napoleoniennes. La loi du progres avait ... — A Lecture on the Study of History • Lord Acton
... music of the mind, which has refreshed and inspired many a yearning spirit; but he was swept away ruthlessly at the very height of his genius, and it is still more bewildering to reflect that his life was probably sacrificed to his devoted tendance on his ... — The Silent Isle • Arthur Christopher Benson |