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Self-slaughter   Listen
Self-slaughter  n.  Suicide.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Self-slaughter" Quotes from Famous Books

... children will be born; so the diminishing water supply will suffice for the needs of the dwindling population. Thus the race will gradually die out naturally, and become extinct long before the conditions of our world can make life a terror. There will, therefore, be no self-slaughter, nor murderous extermination, amongst ourselves—we ...
— To Mars via The Moon - An Astronomical Story • Mark Wicks

... was consumed by the flames. Eponina herself was deceived, says Plutarch, whose story I follow, with the additions made thereto by the Comte de Champagny, the historian of Antoninus; and when Martialis the freedman told her of her husband's self-slaughter, she lay for three days and three nights on the ground, refusing all nourishment. When Sabinus heard of her grief, he took pity and caused her to know that he lived. She none the less mourned and shed floods of tears, in the daytime, when ...
— Wisdom and Destiny • Maurice Maeterlinck

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