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Prie   Listen
Prie  v. i.  To pry. (Obs.)

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"Prie" Quotes from Famous Books

... it seemed to be an oratory or chapel. A large gold and ebony crucifix hung on the wall. There was a prie-dieu of heavy dark mahogany in the centre of the tiled floor; there was a low ottoman or couch, covered with a mantle of dark violet velvet, like a pall; there were two quaintly carved stiff chairs; a religious, almost ascetic, air pervaded the apartment; but no dreamy eastern seraglio ...
— Maruja • Bret Harte

... finished her office, and looking round pleased in her heart, at the walls that told their tale so plainly. It was almost exactly like a cell. A low oak bed, red-blanketted, stood under the sloping roof, a prie-dieu beside it, and a cheap little French image of St. Scholastica over it. There was a table, with a sheet of white paper, a little ink-horn and two quills primly side by side upon it; and at the back stood a couple of small bound volumes in which the nun was accumulating little ...
— The King's Achievement • Robert Hugh Benson

... passports of the Duke of Orleans, who granted them immediately. The Duke of Bourbon, made rich by the "System," felt under obligations to Law, and offered money and the carriage of Madame de Prie, his mistress. Law refused the money and accepted the carriage. He repaired to Brussels, taking with him only eight hundred louis. Scarcely was he gone when his property, consisting of ...
— The Great Events by Famous Historians, v. 13 • Various

... Chevalier, which you will reconnoitre for Florentine; one would think he had seen no more of the world than his brother.(82) He was visiting Lady Yarmouth with Mirepoix: he drew a person into a window, and whispered him; Dites moi un peu en ami, je vous en prie; qu'est ce que c'est que Miledi Yarmouth."—"Eh! bien, vous ne savez pas?"—"Non, ma foi: nous savons ce que c'est que ...
— The Letters of Horace Walpole, Volume 2 • Horace Walpole

... fauteuil) is said by Martene to be adopted into Latin; and by Brachet is traced to a German origin, Falt-stuol. The idea of these derivations is, that the Prie-dieu, or kneeling-desk, was able to fold up and be made, perhaps, a chair. But the connection with Rogations suggests (A.S.) Feald-stol, or Feld-stol (German Feld-stuhl), i.e. a moveable seat ...
— The Prayer Book Explained • Percival Jackson

... le concours de ses compagnons, et il dut reconnaitre que les des etaient fort orthodoxes. Cela le surprit, mais il n'avait qu'a s'executer et c'est ce qu'il fit: il adressa des excuses, et paya. Quelques annees apres, un des joueurs qui se mourait le fit appeler. "Je vous ai prie de venir," dit-il, "parce que je voulais vous dire que vous etiez dans le vrai. Les des etaient effectivement pipes. Mais nous attendimes que vous fussiez couche: nous nous sommes glisses dans votre chambre, et aux des pipes que vous aviez emportes nous avons substitue qui ne l'etaient point, ...
— Collections and Recollections • George William Erskine Russell

... d'etre fache de vous voir en agir ainsi envers mes compatriotes: je desirerais que beaucoup d'Anglais fissent de meme; cela pourrait desangliciser ou desanglomaniser les Francais. Vous, Monsieur, qui aimez les mots nouveaux, aidez-moi, je vous prie, a franciser, a purifier celui-ci. Quant ...
— A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume One • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... mon tour, aujourd'hui, bienheureuse Marie, Je tombe a vos genoux; Daignez donc m'ecouter, car c'est vous que je prie, Vous qui priez ...
— The Paris Sketch Book Of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh • William Makepeace Thackeray

... said the astonished Thales. "Why, there are many men who are wiser than I. There is my friend Bias [Footnote: Bi'as] of Priene. [Footnote: Prie'ne] He excels all other men. Send the beautiful gift ...
— Fifty Famous People • James Baldwin

... Alsatian. It suffered from that extraordinary misplacement and exchange in the upper and lower consonants which has distinguished the German people—that nation of great philologists—since the death of the Roman Empire. German officers still said "Barton, die fous brie," instead of "Pardon, je vous prie" (if they were polite), but they were quite able to contribute articles de fond to a pretended national Belgian press. Besides there was a sufficiency of Belgian "Sans-Patries" ready to come to their assistance: Belgian nationals of German-Jewish ...
— Mrs. Warren's Daughter - A Story of the Woman's Movement • Sir Harry Johnston

... Monsieur Mack Leese, qui me dit que MM. les Commissionnaires des Beaux Arts lui avaient ecrit, par leur secretaire, un billet de remerciements a propos de son tableau dans la Chambre des Deputes, et qu'ils lui avaient prie de faire l'autre tableau en fresque, dont on y a besoin. Ce qu'il a promis. Voici des nouvelles pour les champs de Lincoln's Inn! Vive la gloire de France! Vive la Republique! Vive le Peuple! Plus de Royaute! Plus des Bourbons! Plus de Guizot! Mort aux traitres! Faisons couler ...
— The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete • John Forster

... in her min', [mind] She pits hersel an' Rob in; In loving bleeze they sweetly join, Till white in ase they're sobbin: [ashes] Nell's heart was dancin' at the view: She whisper'd Rob to leuk for't: Rob, stownlins, prie'd her bonnie mou', [by stealth, tasted, mouth] Fu' cozie in the neuk for't, [corner] Unseen ...
— Robert Burns - How To Know Him • William Allan Neilson

... Marquis de Prie since the death of his father, whom you may have known as ambassador at Venice. The gentleman who asked you if you knew the Abbe Gilbert is the Chevalier Zeroli, husband of the lady you are to sup with. The rest are counts, marquises, and barons of the usual kind, some from Piedmont ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... the prie-Dieu, drew a table towards him, and threw a chair over all, so that in a second he had formed a kind of rampart between himself and his enemies. This movement had been so rapid, that the ball fired at him ...
— Chicot the Jester - [An abridged translation of "La dame de Monsoreau"] • Alexandre Dumas

... brisie. Et demoura li traus, dont le piere ert widie, Sans piere est sans quailliel, a cascune partie; Chou deseure soustient, par divine maistrie, Tout en air proprement, n'el tenes a falie. Encore le voit-on en ichelle partie: Qui croire ne m'en voelt, si voist; car je l'en prie!" P. 327. ...
— The Travels of Marco Polo Volume 1 • Marco Polo and Rustichello of Pisa

... fause-house in her min', She pits hersel an' Rob in; In loving bleeze they sweetly join, Till white in ase they're sobbin: Nell's heart was dancin at the view; She whisper'd Rob to leuk for't: Rob, stownlins, prie'd her bonie mou', Fu' cozie in the ...
— Poems And Songs Of Robert Burns • Robert Burns

... comparatively few chapels; only four—but many Bethstuehle or Prie-Dieus. Of the former, the chapels of Savoy and St. Eloy are the chief; but the large sacristy is more extensive than either. On my first entrance, while attentively examining the choir, I noticed—what was really a very provoking, but probably ...
— Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume V (of X) • Various

... him such a prompt answer, removing all doubt that, astounded, he asked the cure where he had studied his theology? With a motion of the hand, which conveyed an advice rather than an answer, Father Vianney pointed silently to his prie-dieu. ...
— The Life of Blessed John B. Marie Vianney, Cur of Ars • Anonymous

... midnight, she will move Her work away, and let her fingers rove Across the shaggy brows of Tristram's hound Who lies, guarding her feet, along the ground; Or else she will fall musing, her blue eyes 90 Fixt, her slight hands clasp'd on her lap; then rise, And at her prie-dieu deg. kneel, until she have told deg.92 Her rosary-beads of ebony tipp'd with gold, Then to her soft sleep—and to-morrow'll be To-day's exact repeated ...
— Matthew Arnold's Sohrab and Rustum and Other Poems • Matthew Arnold

... sleep. There she lay wide awake tossing nervously to and fro. She tried to close her eyes only to find them wandering about the room in the obscure dimness, focusing themselves now on the old mahogany dresser, now on the little prie-Dieu against the inner wall with the small ivory crucifix outlined faintly above it, now on the chintz hangings that covered the window. She could hear her heart, pounding its great weight of bitterness against the pillow; and as she listened she thought of Stephen's ...
— The Loyalist - A Story of the American Revolution • James Francis Barrett

... warm and canny lean for weary banes O' labourers doylt upo' the wintry leas. Round him will baudrins[49] an' the collie come, To wag their tail, and cast a thankfu' ee, To him wha kindly flings them mony a crumb O' kebbuck[50] whang'd, an' dainty fadge[51] to prie;[52] This a' the boon they crave, an' a' ...
— Specimens with Memoirs of the Less-known British Poets, Complete • George Gilfillan

... part, knelt on a prie-dieu, from the back of which protruded a dildo, which immediately entered her ready cunt to the very hilt, and leaning forward she recommended sucking and biting the ...
— The Power of Mesmerism - A Highly Erotic Narrative of Voluptuous Facts and Fancies • Anonymous

... pour toujours, j'espere; pas meme pour long temps. Cependant, ne vous genez pas, je vous prie, en repondant a une lettre qui ne vaut—qui ne reclame pas meme—aucune reponse: tandis que vous me croyez ...
— Letters of Edward FitzGerald to Fanny Kemble (1871-1883) • Edward FitzGerald

... father's death, and mother's guilty shame, With Jove's disdain at such a rival's feed: The wretch compel'd, a runegate became, And learn'd what ill, a miser-state did breed, To lye, to steal, to prie, and to accuse, Nought in himself, each ...
— The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland (1753) - Volume I. • Theophilus Cibber

... humor. "Mr. Hoskins just took him by the arm, and said, 'Here! you come along with me,' and led him up to the princess, where Lily was sitting; and when the princess had explained to him, Lily rose, and mustered up enough French to say, 'Je vous prie, monsieur, de danser avec moi,' and after that they were the ...
— A Fearful Responsibility and Other Stories • William D. Howells

... vous prie. We must proceed in order, and first allow me to assure you that justice is always done in France. No one need claim it in the ...
— The Passenger from Calais • Arthur Griffiths

... se leve; En se couchant l'autre j'enleve. Je prends le malade et le sain L'un aujourd'hui, l'autre le demain. J'en surprends un dedans son lit, L'autre a l'estude quand il lit. J'en surprends un le ventre plein Je mene l'autre par la faim. J'attrape l'un pendant qu'il prie, Et l'autre pendant qu'il renie; J'en saisis un au cabaret Entre le blanc et le clairet, L'autre qui dans son oratoire A son Dieu rend honneur et gloire: J'en surprends un lorsqu'il se psame Le jour qu'il epouse sa femme, L'autre ...
— Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 3 (of 3) • Isaac D'Israeli

... du 11/24 Juillet. Ai communique son contenu an Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres. Il me dit que le Gouvernement Anglais l'a egalement prie de conseiller a Vienne la prolongation du delai de l'ultimatum; il a communique cette demarche telegraphiquement a Vienne, il va en faire autant pour notre demarche, mais il craint qu'a la suite de l'absence de Berchtold parti pour Ischl, et vu le manque de temps, ...
— Why We Are At War (2nd Edition, revised) • Members of the Oxford Faculty of Modern History

... "Je vous prie en grace de vouloir bien avancer notre dejeuner au Cafe Anglais et de prevenir votre ami de ce petit derangement. L'enterrement d'Edgar Quinet doit avoir lieu a une heure a Montparnasse et je ne peux manquer a cette ceremonie. Donc a demain ...
— The Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles W. Dilke V1 • Stephen Gwynn

... les soirs il conduit l'enfant a la chapelle; L'enfant prie, et regarde avec ses yeux si beaux, Gaie, et questionnant l'aieul sur les tombeaux; Et Fabrice a dans l'oeil une humide etincelle. La main qui tremble aidant la marche qui chancelle, Ils vont sous les portails et le long des piliers ...
— La Legende des Siecles • Victor Hugo

... Qui souriait sur nous, la prire pure Qu'elle allait, le coeur plein de joie et non de pleurs, A l'autel qu'elle aimait rpandre avec ses fleurs; Et sa main m'entranait aux marches de son temple, Et, comme un humble enfant, je suivais son exemple, Et sa voix me disait tout bas: "Prie avec moi; Car je ne comprends pas le ciel mme ...
— French Lyrics • Arthur Graves Canfield

... wonte to be all one with his preterit imperf. but we shall make hym different from hym, puttyng before the verbe this worde oh, or je vous prie, sayeng, oh que je boiue, je te prie que tu boiue, etc. ...
— An Introductorie for to Lerne to Read, To Pronounce, and to Speke French Trewly • Anonymous

... de votre reponse je vous prie, Monsieur le Gouverneur, de vouloir bien agreer mes salutations distinguees et ...
— Three Years in Tristan da Cunha • K. M. Barrow

... was a most magnificent ceremony. The Emperor Napoleon, surrounded by the princes and princesses of his whole court, placed him in the center of the chapel on a sofa surmounted by a canopy with a Prie-Dieu. Between the altar and the balustrade had been placed on a carpet of white velvet a pedestal of granite surmounted by a hand some silver gilt vase to be used as a baptismal font. The Emperor was grave; but paternal tenderness diffused ...
— The Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte • Bourrienne, Constant, and Stewarton

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