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Presser   Listen
Presser  n.  One who, or that which, presses.
Presser bar, or Presser wheel (Knitting machine), a bar or wheel which closes the barbs of the needles to enable the loops of the yarn to pass over them.
Presser foot, the part of a sewing machine which rests on the cloth and presses it down upon the table of the machine.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Presser" Quotes from Famous Books

... receiving knocks, which produce a momentary disturbance of their cell formation, followed by a white spot. The care of the nails should be strictly limited to the knife or scissors, to their free border, and an ivory presser, to prevent adhesion of the free margin of the scarf-skin to the surface of the nail. This edge of the cuticle should never be pared, the surface of the nail never scraped, nor the nails cleaned with any instrument whatever, except the nail-brush, aided by water and soap. An observance of ...
— A Treatise on Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene (Revised Edition) • Calvin Cutter

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