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Paranoia   Listen
paranoia  n.  
(Med.) A chronic form of insanity characterized by very gradual impairment of the intellect, systematized delusion, and usually by delusions of persecution or mandatory delusions producing homicidal tendency. In its mild form paranoia may consist in the well-marked crotchetiness exhibited in persons commonly called "cranks." Paranoiacs usually show evidences of bodily and nervous degeneration, and many have hallucinations, esp. of sight and hearing.
Unwarranted suspicion of the motives of others; used colloquially in a non-technical sense. (Colloq.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Paranoia" Quotes from Famous Books

... intellect; diseased mind, unsound mind, abnormal mind; derangement, unsoundness; psychosis; neurosis; cognitive disorder; affective disorder^. insanity, lunacy; madness &c adj.; mania, rabies, furor, mental alienation, aberration; paranoia, schizophrenia; dementation^, dementia, demency^; phrenitis^, phrensy^, frenzy, raving, incoherence, wandering, delirium, calenture of the brain^; delusion, hallucination; lycanthropy^; brain storm^. vertigo, dizziness, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

Words linked to "Paranoia" :   psychosis

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