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Mulier   Listen
Mulier  n.  
A woman.
Lawful issue born in wedlock, in distinction from an elder brother born of the same parents before their marriage; a lawful son.
(Civ. Law) A woman; a wife; a mother.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Mulier" Quotes from Famous Books

... blast was still driving past, and his eyes could not penetrate it more than a dozen feet. But he rejoiced. Their castle was growing stronger and stronger all the time, as nature steadily built her fortifications higher and higher around it. Mulier himself, carrying out his duties of huntsman, might have gone to some isolated point in the mountains, and would not be able to return for days. He wished no harm to Muller, but he hoped the possibility ...
— The Hosts of the Air • Joseph A. Altsheler

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