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Mousing   Listen
Mousing  adj.  Impertinently inquisitive; prying; meddlesome. "Mousing saints."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Mousing" Quotes from Famous Books

... accommodation of the men, and the charge for keeping the tools sharp was ten cents a week for each man, or $5 a year. For twenty years no fault had been found with the arrangement; it had been looked upon as satisfactory, especially by the men. A walking delegate, mousing around the mine, and finding no other cause for complaint, had lighted upon this practice, and he told the men it was a shame that they should have to pay ten cents a week out of their hard-earned wages for keeping their tools sharp. He said that it was the business of the property ...
— The Fat of the Land - The Story of an American Farm • John Williams Streeter

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