"Morne" Quotes from Famous Books
... sailed from Portsmouth early in 1796 was Colonel (afterwards Sir John) Moore.[391] He found the West India service most unpopular. Yet the energy of Abercromby and Moore brought about the surrender of that almost impregnable fortress, Morne Fortunee, in St. Lucia. Moore was left as governor of the island, but with a garrison insufficient to complete the subjection of the fanatical blacks. General Whyte found the conquest of the Dutch ... — William Pitt and the Great War • John Holland Rose
... to her, and spake to her in her ere, and bad her, for Godds sake, comfort her self and refrayne that lamentacion, or ellys it wold hurt her and perauenture put her in ieopardy of her life. To whom this woman answeryd and sayd: I wys, good gosyp, I haue grete cause to morne, if ye knew all. For I haue beryed iii husbandes besyde this man; but I was neuer in the case that I am now. For there was not one of them but when that I folowed the corse to chyrch, yet I was sure of an nother ... — Shakespeare Jest-Books; - Reprints of the Early and Very Rare Jest-Books Supposed - to Have Been Used by Shakespeare • Unknown
... I am ful reconsiled From euery troble vnto ioye and ease That sorowes alle be from me exiled Sit[h] ye my lady list now tappease My paynes olde and fully my disease Vnto gladnes so sodenly to torne Hauyng no cause from hens fort[h] to morne ... — The Temple of Glass • John Lydgate
... rychely besene. In a sercote {that} shone as bryght as glas Of goldsmyth werk {with} spa{n}gles wrought beden{e} Of royall ryches wanted she none I wene. And next to her sat the god saturne. That oft syth causeth many one to morne. ... — The Assemble of Goddes • Anonymous |