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Money-maker   Listen
Money-maker  n.  
One who coins or prints money; also, a counterfeiter of money. (R.)
One who accumulates money or wealth; specifically, one who makes money-getting his governing motive.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Money-maker" Quotes from Famous Books

... poor, and always had been; and it could not be expected that a man like Matthias Butterwood could stay long on that little farm. He had a sharp business head, and was a money-maker, and as soon as he was able he bought a farm of his own, and this is the farm; but there was no house on it then, except the little one that Mike now lives in. But Matthias had grand ideas about an estate, and in the course of five years he built this house ...
— The Girl at Cobhurst • Frank Richard Stockton

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