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Mittimus   Listen
Mittimus  n.  (Law)
A precept or warrant granted by a justice for committing to prison a party charged with crime; a warrant of commitment to prison.
A writ for removing records from one court to another.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Mittimus" Quotes from Famous Books

... other questions. To which he replied, That he was not obliged to give an account of his thoughts, and that he came there to answer to his indictment, and not to such questions as these. Upon which he was taken to Newgate by a single officer without any mittimus or any express order unto what prison he should be committed. By the way (says he[245]) he could have escaped, had he not been led or betrayed there by flattery. It was some days before his mittimus came, by which he was ordered to be kept in custody till the next quarter session, ...
— Biographia Scoticana (Scots Worthies) • John Howie

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