"Middest" Quotes from Famous Books
... and singing, Into the middest of the mead each one, Before the arbour where I was sitting; And, God wot, me thought I was well-begone,* *fortunate For then I might advise* them one by one, *consider Who fairest was, who best could dance or sing, Or who most ... — The Canterbury Tales and Other Poems • Geoffrey Chaucer
... cocke was no more abashed of the foxe, Than is a lion abashed of an oxe. When he went, faded the floure of all the fen; I boldly dare sweare this cocke neuer trode hen! This was a father of thinges pastorall, And that well sheweth his Church cathedrall, There was I lately about the middest of May, Coridon his Church is twenty sith more gay Then all the Churches betwene the same and Kent, There sawe I his tome and Chapell excellent. I thought fiue houres but euen a little while, Saint John the virgin me ... — The Ship of Fools, Volume 1 • Sebastian Brandt
... mighty volume to my Verse, Besides mine owne weake vvit: for I doe know it, He vvas a better workeman, then I Poet. Yet could not this abate the Louers pace: For he still holds the louely Maide in chase. Passing the Court, he comes into a greene, VVhich vvas in middest of the Pallace seene: Thorough the midst there ranne a pleasant Spring, On each side with a vvall of Bricke hemm'd in, Onely in midst, a Stile; beyond, a Plancke, VVhich for a Bridge did serue to eyther bancke. Ouer this Stile as Laura lightly skips, In her rent ... — Seven Minor Epics of the English Renaissance (1596-1624) • Dunstan Gale
... I was houlden in an intrycate minde of doubts, at length ouercome withall kinde of greefes, my whole bodye trembling and languishinge vnder a broade and mightye Oke full of Acornes, standing in the middest of a spatious and large green meade, extending forth his thicke and leauie armes to make a coole shadowe, vnder whose bodye breathing I rested my selfe vppon the deawye hearbes, and lying vppon my left syde I drewe my breath in the freshe ... — Hypnerotomachia - The Strife of Loue in a Dreame • Francesco Colonna
... valley also I heard diuers sweet sounds and harmonies of musike, especially the noise of citherns, whereat I was greatly amazed. This valley conteineth in length seuen or eight miles at the least; into the which whosoeuer entreth, dieth presently, and can by no meanes passe aliue thorow the middest thereof: for which cause all the inhabitants thereabout decline vnto the one side. Moreouer, I was tempted to go in, and to see what it was. At length, making my prayers, and recommending my selfe to God in the ... — The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, - and Discoveries of The English Nation, Volume 9 - Asia, Part 2 • Richard Hakluyt |