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Microcephalous   Listen
Microcephalous, Microcephalic  adj.  (Anat.) Having a small head; having the cranial cavity small; opposed to megacephalic.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Microcephalous" Quotes from Famous Books

... Irishmen. The Irish are not in the least unsuccessful, unless it is unsuccessful to wander from their own country over a great part of the earth, in which case the English are unsuccessful too." A man with a bumpy head may say to me (as a kind of New Year greeting), "Fools have microcephalous skulls," or what not. To which I shall reply, "In order to be certain of that, you must be a good judge both of the physical and of the mental fact. It is not enough that you should know a microcephalous skull when you ...
— Alarms and Discursions • G. K. Chesterton

Words linked to "Microcephalous" :   microcephaly

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