"Messias" Quotes from Famous Books
... Almighty God my heavenly father my maker & creator, whoe out of his meer mercy, free will & love to mankinde & to me in pticuler did vouchsafe to send his onely begotten sonne before all eternity, Christ Jesus the pmissed Messias into this world to save sinners (whereof w^th S^t. Paull I confesse my selfe the greatest) to laye downe his life for mankinde & that he dyed for me & for my salvac{COMBINING OVERLINE}on, & that he rose againe the third day for my iustificac{COMBINING OVERLINE}on, that ... — Spadacrene Anglica - The English Spa Fountain • Edmund Deane
... negative reprobation of Esau. But many theologians hold that Esau was saved, and, besides, the Apostle is not dealing with predestination to glory, but with Jacob's vocation to be the progenitor of the Messias. Esau, who was not an Israelite but an Idumaean, was simply passed over in this choice (odio habere minus diligere; cfr. Matth. X, 37). If the passage is interpreted typically, it should be done in harmony with the context, that is to say, as referring to the gratuity ... — Grace, Actual and Habitual • Joseph Pohle |