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Melaphyre   Listen
Melaphyre  n.  (Min.) Any one of several dark-colored augitic, eruptive rocks allied to basalt.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Melaphyre" Quotes from Famous Books

... jealousy, caught his brother by the throat and hurled him down the precipice. His conscience at once spoke out, and in the agony of his remorse he had resort to a hermit who bade him renounce the world, grave for himself a cell in the face of the melaphyre clay—the hermit did not give to the rock its mineralogical name—and await a token from heaven that he was forgiven. Accordingly Wyrich von Oberstein scrambled up the face of the cliff as high as he could possibly go, and there laboured day after day till he had excavated for himself a ...
— Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe • Sabine Baring-Gould

... the coal-measures of England and Scotland, while they are also found interbedded with the Carboniferous Limestone series in Derbyshire, Scotland, and Co. Limerick in Ireland. The rocks consist chiefly of basalt, dolerite, melaphyre and felstone. ...
— Volcanoes: Past and Present • Edward Hull

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