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Landmass   Listen
landmass  n.  A large continuous extent of land; as, the Eurasian landmass.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Landmass" Quotes from Famous Books

... themselves on the great sea which surrounded the island that held these strange sights. Several of them were dead or severely wounded at having been accidentally mauled by their fighting brethren. Across the ocean from the island there was another landmass, whose far edges were not in sight. On it were many ape-men bowing down in worship of a gigantic White Eagle which was soaring far above them with a multitude of lords and ladies gripped in its massive talons. The lords were dressed in silken robes and adorned with many pieces of fine jewelry, ...
— The Revolutions of Time • Jonathan Dunn

Words linked to "Landmass" :   land mass, dry land, continent, subcontinent, terra firma, land, earth

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