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Hagiology   Listen
Hagiology  n.  The history or description of the sacred writings or of sacred persons; a narrative of the lives of the saints; a catalogue of saints.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Hagiology" Quotes from Famous Books

... a God, at present before us, is that of Comte. This in all its parts—its high priesthood, its hierarchy, its sacraments, its calendar, its hagiology, its literary canon, its ritualism, and we may add, in its fundamentally intolerant and inquisitorial character—is an obvious reproduction of the Church of Rome, with humanity in place of God, great men in place of the saints, the Founder of Comtism in place of the Founder of Christianity, ...
— Lectures and Essays • Goldwin Smith

... folk-lore is the hagiology of the province—the legendary lore of its saints. This, indeed, holds almost as much of the marvellous as its folk-tales, ballads, and historical legends, and in perusing the tales of Brittany's saintly heroes we have an opportunity of observing how the motifs of popular fiction ...
— Legends & Romances of Brittany • Lewis Spence

... the south of Scotland, the modern Earlston, after which Thomas the Rhymer took his territorial designation, and whose story later became fused with her myth in the old Scottish ballad of Thomas the Rhymer. Thus we observe how it is possible for a pagan myth to become an incident in Christian hagiology. ...
— Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine • Lewis Spence

... combined with the heroic self-denial of all to make the Serampore mission the light of India. Ward's journal supplies this first sketch of the brotherhood, who realised, more than probably any in Protestant, Romanist, or Greek hagiology, the life of ...
— The Life of William Carey • George Smith

Words linked to "Hagiology" :   legend, literary composition, literary work, fable

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