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Goatish   Listen
Goatish  adj.  Characteristic of a goat; goatlike. "Give your chaste body up to the embraces Of goatish lust."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Goatish" Quotes from Famous Books

... couldst thou propose Less to thyself, than in this heat of wrath And stung with my dishonour, I should strike This steel into thee, with as many stabs, As thou wert gaz'd upon with goatish eyes? ...
— Volpone; Or, The Fox • Ben Jonson

... my risen youth Sang, globed in fire, her golden canticle. I dare not look again; another gaze Might drive me to the wavering coppice there, Where bat-winged madness brushed me, the wild laugh Of naked nature crashed across my blood. So rank it was with earthy presences, Faun-shapes in goatish dance, young witches' eyes Slanting deep invitation, whinnying calls Ambiguous, shocks and whirlwinds of wild mirth,— They had undone me in the darkness there, But that within me, smiting through my lids Lowered to shut in the thick whirl of sense, The dumb light ached and rummaged, and ...
— Gloucester Moors and Other Poems • William Vaughn Moody

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