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Electro-positive   Listen
Electro-positive  adj.  
(Physics) Of such a nature relatively to some other associated body or bodies, as to tend to the negative pole of a voltaic battery, in electrolysis, while the associated body tends to the positive pole; the converse or correlative of electro-negative. Note: An element that is electro-positive in one compound may be electro-negative in another, and vice versa.
(Chem.) Hence: Positive; metallic; basic; distinguished from negative, nonmetallic, or acid.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Electro-positive" Quotes from Famous Books

... potash, is employed for the manufacture of soft soap. As a chemical reagent its action is almost precisely like that of caustic soda, though it is usually considered a stronger base, as K is a more electro-positive element than Na. ...
— An Introduction to Chemical Science • R.P. Williams

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