"Dribbler" Quotes from Famous Books
... most vilely of the Baker's. (I have been cursing every limb o' thee, Because I could not hitch in Timothy. Jack, Will, Tom, Dick's, a serious evil, But Tim, plain Tim's—the very devil.) Thou most incorrigible scribbler, Right Watering place and cockney dribbler, What child, that barely understands A, B, C, would ever dream that Stanza Would tinkle into rhyme with "Plan, Sir"? Go, go, you are not worth an answer. I had a Sire, that at plain Crambo Had hit you o'er the pate a damn'd blow. How now? may I die game, and you die brass, But I have ... — The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb (Vol. 6) - Letters 1821-1842 • Charles and Mary Lamb |