"Dout" Quotes from Famous Books
... children, and posteratie, your ancient heretageis and houssis; and think weill thir strangearis will regaird na mair your rycht thairunto, than thay have done your brethrenis of Leyth, quhan ever occatioun sall serve. Bot gif ye purpoise, as we dout not bot that all thay that ather haif wit or manheid will declair and prove indeid, to bruik your ancient rowmeis and heretageis, conquerit maist valiantlie, and defendit be your maist nobill progenitouris ... — The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) • John Knox
... cattell / whiche the execu- tours deliuer nat of suche sort as the may- de[n]s wold / wherupo[n] the co[n]trouersy ariseth. [F.iiii.v] For the executours say they are bounde to delyuer to euery of them an hundred shepe / suche as they that be the executours will. Now here standeth the dout / to whom we shall referre this worde they / to the dought- ters / ... — The Art or Crafte of Rhetoryke • Leonard Cox |