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Douceur   Listen
Douceur  n.  
Gentleness and sweetness of manner; agreeableness.
A gift for service done or to be done; an honorarium; a present; sometimes, a bribe.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Douceur" Quotes from Famous Books

... the station. With a great effort I calmed myself. I lolled back in my seat; when we stopped I sat there till a porter opened the door. In lazy leisureliness I bade him get me a cab, and followed him across the station. He held the door for me, and, giving him his douceur, I set my foot ...
— Rupert of Hentzau - From The Memoirs of Fritz Von Tarlenheim: The Sequel to - The Prisoner of Zenda • Anthony Hope

... sur les principes d'humanite et de justice, ne detruit aucune des dispositions reellement injustes et barbares, contenues dans cette loi. Cependant, les esclaves sont generalement traites avec plus de douceur par leurs maitres dans l'Etat de New Yorck, et moins surcharges de travail que dans les Etats du Midi. Les moeurs prevalent a cet egard sur la rigidite des loix; mais les moeurs y sont aussi, comme dans beaucoup d'autres Etats de l'Amerique, impregnees d'avidite et d'avarice. Cette disposition ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Vol. I. Jan. 1916 • Various

... dans la vue de la Conquete du Canada ont voulu donner aux peuples francois de ces Colonies un exemple frappant de la douceur de leur gouvernement dans leur conduite ...
— Montcalm and Wolfe • Francis Parkman

... simple caleche, with two horses, stood at the hotel of the "Black Raven." The brothers Zoller were about to leave Amsterdam, and, to Madame Blaken's astonishment, they not only paid their bill without murmuring, but left a rich douceur for the servants. The hostess stepped to the door to bid them farewell, and nodded kindly as they came down the steps. Their servant followed with the little carpet-bag and the ...
— Frederick The Great and His Family • L. Muhlbach

... sentries and the guard at the frontier. Once past that it would be easy enough for them to get away unmolested. My next question was, "How much money have you ladies got? We all know the Spanish sentries, and I think their hands are always ready to receive some little douceur. There is but little luggage to be examined by them. If you two ladies remain inside the coach and be careful to cover your feet up, I'll keep them employed as far as possible in overhauling the luggage. I'll square, as far as I can, the driver ...
— The Chronicles of a Gay Gordon • Jose Maria Gordon

... (1725-28), Augustin du Seuil, (1728-46), and Andreau (binder to the queen of Louis XV.). From the commencing years of the eighteenth century, in addition to the binders just enumerated, there is a fairly consecutive series, who worked for the court and the public: Padeloup, the two Deromes, Douceur (who was much employed by Madame de Pompadour), the two Bozerians, Le Monnier, Tessier, Dubuisson (famous for his gilding), Simier, Thompson of Paris, Cape, Duru, Chambolle, Lesne (who printed in 1827 a didactic poem on his craft), ...
— The Book-Collector • William Carew Hazlitt

... them; for, by a stroke of the pen, they can ruin reputations and defeat justice. No one has recourse to their dreaded agency who can avoid doing so or has the means of gratifying their greed. By giving a handsome douceur to the Sub-Inspector, Kumodini Babu obtained a promise of support, which he was simple ...
— Tales of Bengal • S. B. Banerjea

... the doctor makes his daily call: and even in the lines of that busy face he reads no multiplicity of patients, but solely conceives of himself as the sick man. To what other uneasy couch the good man is hastening, when he slips out of his chamber, folding up his thin douceur so carefully for fear of rustling—is no speculation which he can at present entertain. He thinks only of the regular return of the same phenomenon at the same ...
— The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb, Volume 2 • Charles Lamb

... du pale crepuscule, La brute par moments pense et sent qu'elle est soeur De la mysterieuse et profonde douceur. ...
— La Legende des Siecles • Victor Hugo

... Foy, one of the court preachers, exclaimed in the pulpit: "Be not astonished if the Huguenots demolish the churches, for they have turned all France into a hospital instead"—"donnant a entendre que par le chancelier nomme Hospital, la France estoit pauvre, pourtant qu'il a par trop encore de douceur pour les huguenots qui ont ruine le pais de France." Jehan ...
— History of the Rise of the Huguenots - Volume 2 • Henry Baird

... them; perhaps it was because they were unplucked: but Mr. Oakhurst admired them—not as a possible future tribute to the fascinating and accomplished Miss Ethelinda, then performing at the Varieties, for Mr. Oakhurst's especial benefit, as she had often assured him; nor yet as a douceur to the inthralling Miss Montmorrissy, with whom Mr. Oakhurst expected to sup that evening; but simply for himself, and, mayhap, for the flowers' sake. Howbeit he passed on, and so out into the open Plaza, where, finding a bench under a cottonwood-tree, he first dusted ...
— Tales of the Argonauts • Bret Harte

... just as a child might call upon his mother to punish him, in the certain knowledge that his tears will soon be kissed away by a tenderness as infinite as it is just. God, Christ, Our Lady, pass through the pages of his poems as through the cypress-terraces of some fantastic mediaeval picture. The "douceur" of their sweet pitifulness towards him runs like a quivering magnetic current through all the maddest ...
— Suspended Judgments - Essays on Books and Sensations • John Cowper Powys

... great power in the world. Leigh Hunt has truly said that "Power itself hath not one half the might of gentleness." Men are always best governed through their affections. There is a French proverb which says that, "LES HOMMES SE PRENNENT PAR LA DOUCEUR," and a coarser English one, to the effect that "More wasps are caught by honey than by vinegar." "Every act of kindness," says Bentham, "is in fact an exercise of power, and a stock of friendship laid ...
— Character • Samuel Smiles

... curious that Voltaire, speaking of the Berenice of Racine, praises a passage in it for precisely what Dryden condemns: "Il semble qu'on entende Henriette d'Angleterre elle-meme parlant au marquis de Vardes. La politesse de la cour de Louis XIV., l'agrement de la langue Francaise, la douceur de la versification la plus naturelle, le sentiment le plus tendre, tout se trouve dans ce peu de vers." After Dryden had broken away from the heroic style, he speaks out more plainly. In the Preface to his "All for Love," in reply to some cavils ...
— Among My Books - First Series • James Russell Lowell

... the most effective ointment. I have known some rascals say, they were sorry they had not been lucky enough to be wounded, as they considered a punctured cuticle nothing to set against the magnificent douceur of four or five rupees. One impetuous scamp, being told not to go in front of the line during a beat near Burgamma, replied to the warning ...
— Sport and Work on the Nepaul Frontier - Twelve Years Sporting Reminiscences of an Indigo Planter • James Inglis

... But now make haste to give me the thousand dinars and acquit thee of thine oath." The Caliph and the Lady Zubaydah laughed and returned to the palace; and he gave Abu al-Hasan the thousand dinars saying, "Take them as a douceur[FN84] for thy preservation from death," whilst her mistress did the like with Nuzhat al-Fuad, honouring her with the same words. Moreover, the Caliph increased the Wag in his solde and supplies, and he and his wife ceased not to live in joy and contentment, till there came to them the Destroyer ...
— Supplemental Nights, Volume 1 • Richard F. Burton

... iii. 316, reprinted from Revue des Deux Mondes, Sept. 1838). His words are, "Un jeune homme plein de candeur, de douceur, de modestie, une ame presque mystique et comme attristee lu bruit qu'elle a cause." The unaltered view which Strauss now takes of his own work, after the interval of twenty-five years, is given ...
— History of Free Thought in Reference to The Christian Religion • Adam Storey Farrar

... Quoth he, "What is to do, O my mother?"; and quoth she, "Know, O my son, that the King's daughter, the Princess Miriam the Girdle-girl, hath a mind to visit the church this day, to seek a blessing by pilgrimage and to make oblation thereto, a douceur[FN517] of thank-offering for her deliverance from the land of the Moslems and in fulfilment of the vows she vowed to the Messiah, so he would save her. With her are four hundred damsels, not one of whom but is perfect in beauty and loveliness and all of ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 8 • Richard F. Burton

... the young man. "Take care of him, Deio," he added, in good, broad Welsh, "and I will pay you well for your trouble," and, with a pat on Captain's flank and a douceur in Deio's ready palm, he turned to leave the yard. Looking back from under the archway which opened into the street, with a parting injunction to Roberts to "take care of him," he turned ...
— By Berwen Banks • Allen Raine

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