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Charmless   Listen
Charmless  adj.  Destitute of charms.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Charmless" Quotes from Famous Books

... nights, near the bright fire, she would get through a delightful course of reading. There was the question of a new piano (the old one was pretty bad—Miss Steet had a finger!) and perhaps she should have to ask Selina for that—but it would be all. The schoolroom at Mellows was not a charmless place and the girl often wished that she might have spent her own early years in so dear a scene. It was a sort of panelled parlour, in a wing, and looked out on the great cushiony lawns and a part of the terrace where the ...
— A London Life; The Patagonia; The Liar; Mrs. Temperly • Henry James

... insert a section of cells with flat walls. Indeed, to compare one of their nests with the mathematical cities of our own honey-flies, is like imagining a hamlet composed of primitive huts side by side with a modern town; whose ruthless regularity is the logical, though perhaps somewhat charmless, result of the genius of man, that to-day, more fiercely than ever before, seeks to conquer space, matter, ...
— The Life of the Bee • Maurice Maeterlinck

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