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Burnous   Listen
Burnous, Burnoose  n.  
A cloaklike garment and hood woven in one piece, worn by Arabs.
A combination cloak and hood worn by women. (Variously written bournous, bernouse, bornous, etc)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Burnous" Quotes from Famous Books

... and loathing; that I fled her presence, and was once more a wanderer over the earth; that my weary feet dragged me over the snows of Siberia, where the furred noble and the chained serf worked side by side; over the burning sands, where the brown Arab careers along upon his steed, his white burnous fluttering in the hot wind; over the broad prairies of America, where the Indian prowls with his trusty rifle, waiting for the wild beast; over the paths of the trackless deep; over the still wilder deserts and still more lonely deeps of revelry and vice;—what more than that I have ...
— The Continental Monthly, Vol 3 No 3, March 1863 - Devoted To Literature And National Policy • Various

... he had never heard of the Apostle of Allah or his sacred book; he could only run, and throw stones, and endure, like a beast, those ceaseless illnesses of which only death, an early death as a rule, is allowed to cure them. His clothing was an undershirt and the inevitable burnous, ...
— Fountains In The Sand - Rambles Among The Oases Of Tunisia • Norman Douglas

Words linked to "Burnous" :   cloak, burnoose, burnouse

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