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Appui   Listen
Appui  n.  
A support or supporter; a stay; a prop. (Obs.) "If a vine be to climb trees that are of any great height, there would be stays and appuies set to it."
(Man.) The mutual bearing or support of the hand of the rider and the mouth of the horse through the bit and bridle.
Point d'appui. (Mil.)
A given point or body, upon which troops are formed, or by which are marched in line or column.
An advantageous defensive support, as a castle, morass, wood, declivity, etc.
any point of support or basis of operations, as a rallying point.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Appui" Quotes from Famous Books

... the side with an armed heel, however these may indicate to him the wishes or commands of his rider. I have also used the term bearing on the horse's mouth instead of appui, since to those who do not understand French appui will convey no meaning at all,—and to those who do understand French it will convey the false ideas of the necessity and power of the rider to support his horse. I promise my pupil every aid and support from his horse. But I beg him not to think of offering ...
— Hints on Horsemanship, to a Nephew and Niece - or, Common Sense and Common Errors in Common Riding • George Greenwood

... on definite conditions. However, as it is not the intention of the allies completely to destroy English influence in the Levant, Malta will continue to form part of the British Empire. Thus England retains in the Mediterranean the most important point d'appui for ...
— The Coming Conquest of England • August Niemann

... introduced and managed with great and successful, though daring, art. The nag being represented in a rampant or rearing posture, the tail, which is prolonged till it touches the ground, appears to form a point d'appui, and gives the firmness of a tripod to the figure, without which it would be difficult to conceive, placed as the feet are, how the courser could maintain his ground without tumbling backwards. This bold conception has fortunately fallen into the custody of one by whom it is duly valued; ...
— Bride of Lammermoor • Sir Walter Scott

... dit, prends ton chemin vers Suse. L tu verras d'Esther la pompe et les honneurs, Et sur le trne assis le sujet de tes pleurs. Rassure, ajouta-t-il, tes tribus alarmes, Sion: le jour approche o le Dieu des armes 20 Va de son bras puissant faire clater l'appui; Et le cri de son peuple est mont jusqu' lui. Il dit; et moi, de joie et d'horreur pntre, Je cours. De ce palais j'ai su trouver l'entre. O spectacle! O triomphe admirable mes yeux, 25 Digne en effet du bras ...
— Esther • Jean Racine

... c'est la ruine irreparable. {SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK} Peut-on, comme on le fait d'ordinaire, entendre le texte des chutes morales, des peches veniels? Plusieurs commentateurs repondent: non; et ils citent a l'appui saint Augustin: Septies cadet iustus et resurget, id est, quotiescumque cediderit, non peribit: quod non de iniquitatibus, sed de tribulationibus ad humilitatem perducentibus intelligi voluit (Civ. D. xi, 31).—D'autres Peres, saint Jerome par exemple, sont moins ...
— Grace, Actual and Habitual • Joseph Pohle

... ambassadeur du duc de Milan, qu'on appeloit messire Benedicto de Fourlino. Le duc, qui avoit besoin de l'appui de l'empereur Sigismond contre les Venitiens, et qui voyoit Sigismond embarrasse a defendre des Turcs son royaume de Hongrie, envoyoit vers Amurat une ambassade pour negocier un accommodement entre les ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, - and Discoveries of The English Nation, Volume 10 - Asia, Part III • Richard Hakluyt

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