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Annulose   Listen
Annulose  adj.  
Furnished with, or composed of, rings or ringlike segments; ringed.
(Zool.) Of or pertaining to the Annulosa.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Annulose" Quotes from Famous Books

... science which are "inexact"? I think not. If I say that respiration is performed by the lungs; that digestion is effected in the stomach; that the eye is the organ of sight; that the jaws of a vertebrated animal never open sideways, but always up and down; while those of an annulose animal always open sideways, and never up and down—I am enumerating propositions which are as exact as anything in Euclid. How then has this notion of the inexactness of Biological science come about? I believe from two causes: first, because in consequence of the great complexity of the science ...
— Science & Education • Thomas H. Huxley

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