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  English Dictionary   examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

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mamo - mande
mandean - mangrove
mangrove family - manna
manna ash - manual of arms
manually - marasmus
marat - marcus vipsanius agrippa
marcus whitman - marihuana
marijuana - market order
market penetration - marquise de montespan
marquise de pompadour - marshy
marsilea - marxism
marxism leninism - mason
mason and dixon line - mast cell
mastaba - mata hari
matabele - mating
matins - maturity onset diabetes
maturity onset diabetes mellit - maxim
maxim gorki - mcburney s point
mccarthy - meander
meandering - mechanical mixture
mechanical phenomenon - medicago arborea
medicago echinus - mediterranean anchovy
mediterranean anemia - megalocardia
megalocephaly - melanogrammus
melanogrammus aeglefinus - meloid
meloidae - memphis
memsahib - mensch
menses - mentioner
mentor - mercuric chloride
mercurochrome - merrimack
merrimack river - mesquit
mesquite - metallic element
metallic looking - metformin
meth - metrazol shock therapy
metrazol shock treatment - mexican sunflower
mexican swamp cypress - mickey spillane
mickle - micropenis
microphage - mid seventies
mid sixties - midsummer
midsummer day - mild silver protein
mild steel - military policeman
military position - millenary
millenary - mimosa sensitiva
mimosaceae - mini
miniate - minor league team
minor leaguer - miranda rule
mirasol - misdemeanor
misdemeanour - misquote
misquote - misty
misty eyed - mizzen
mizzen course - modal logic
modal value - modulation
module - molder
moldiness - momma
mommsen - money changer
money cowrie - monoamine oxidase inhibitor
monoatomic - monomaniac
monomaniacal - monstrance
monstrosity - mooneye
moonfish - moralise
moralism - morning glory
morning glory family - mortified
mortify - mothball
mothball - motor area
motor assisted - mount
mount - mountain phlox
mountain pine - mouthful
mouthless - mrs
mrs gandhi - mud bath
mud beplastered - mujik
mujtihad - multinational
multinomial - mung bean
mungo park - musales
musca - musculus quadriceps femoris
musculus rhomboideus major - musical time signature
musicality - mustela rixosa
mustela vison - mutually
mutually beneficial - mylanta
mylar - myringa
myringectomy - mythologic
mythological - nagi
nagoya - namesake
namib desert - napu
naqua - narthex
narwal - national guard bureau
national holiday - natural action
natural childbirth - naval
naval academy - neanderthal
neanderthal - neckline
neckpiece - nefud