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noun 1.A quantity of no importance. Synonyms: aught, cipher, cypher, goose egg, nada, naught, nil, nix, nothing, null, zero, zilch, zippo. "Reduced to nil all the work we had done" , "We racked up a pathetic goose egg" , "It was all for naught" , "I didn't hear zilch about it"
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"Zip" Quotes from Famous Books
... anything once, and if he liked it he would do it again. In the case of the Salvation Army meeting, he liked it. He liked the music, and the good fellowship, and the swing and the zip of it all. More still, he liked the blue-eyed Irish girl who sold War Crys at the door. When he went in he bought one; when he came out he bought all she ... — The Black Creek Stopping-House • Nellie McClung
... the caribou would almost reach the timber a mile away before the end came. Concealed in the shadow of the spruce, he waited. He made no effort to analyze the confidence with which he watched for Bram. When he at last heard the curious ZIP—ZIP—ZIP of snowshoes approaching his blood ran no faster than it had in the preceding minutes of his expectation, so sure had he been that the man he was after would soon loom up out of the starlight. In the brief interval after the passing of the wolves he had made up his mind what he would ... — The Golden Snare • James Oliver Curwood
... negative morality; and certainly most Americans would show a positive preference for positive morality. The virtues they venerate collectively are very active virtues; cheerfulness and courage and vim, otherwise zip, also pep and similar things. But it is sometimes forgotten that negative morality is freer than positive morality. Negative morality is a net of a larger and more open pattern, of which the lines or cords constrict at longer intervals. A man like Dr. Johnson could grow ... — What I Saw in America • G. K. Chesterton
... cut well, did it? And the Sioux did not eat you by inches, beginning with your thumbs? Ha! Tres bien! Very good taste! You were not meant for feasts, my solemncholy? Some men are monuments. That's you, mine frien'! Some are champagne bottles that uncork, zip, fizz, froth, stars dancing round your head! That's me! 'Tis I, Louis Laplante, son of a seigneur, am ... — Lords of the North • A. C. Laut |
Words linked to "Zip" : address, cardigan, relative quantity, frock, fleet, speed, move, strength, code, forcefulness, pant, zoom, whizz, travel, dress, holdfast, strenuosity, fasten, locomote, Fanny Adams, run, unzip, fix, dart, whizz along, nihil, destination, zoom along, fuck all, bugger all, fastener, flit, flutter, force, fastening, fixing, athleticism, secure, trouser, sweet Fanny Adams, name and address, go, skirt |
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