"Yellowness" Quotes from Famous Books
... having springs and upholstered in green rep—the only sofa of its kind in Szybow—several armchairs to match it, and a piano. It is true, it was not very new. In several places the varnish had been rubbed off, and the narrowness of the keys and the yellowness of the ivory betrayed its great antiquity. In fact, it was the only piano in the whole of Szybow. When a year ago it had been bought for the exclusive use of Mera, it caused a small revolution in the town ... — An Obscure Apostle - A Dramatic Story • Eliza Orzeszko
... might do more than others "where there was liver;"—at least there would be no harm in getting a few bottles of "stuff" from him, since if these proved useless it would still be possible to return to the Purifying Pills, which kept you alive if they did not remove the yellowness. But these were people of minor importance. Good Middlemarch families were of course not going to change their doctor without reason shown; and everybody who had employed Mr. Peacock did not feel ... — Middlemarch • George Eliot
... to severe penance, and that her self-denial had not been without its reward. “Vain and false,” said she, “is all the pretended knowledge of the Europeans—their doctors will tell you that the drinking of milk gives yellowness to the complexion; milk is my only food, and you see if my face be not white.” Her abstinence from food intellectual was carried as far as her physical fasting. She never, she said, looked upon a book or a newspaper, but trusted alone to the stars for her sublime knowledge; she usually passed ... — Eothen • A. W. Kinglake |
Words linked to "Yellowness" : greenish yellow, gamboge, orange yellow, spectral colour, lemon, old gold, chromatic color, pale yellow, chromatic colour, lemon yellow, wheat, spectral color, maize, straw, canary, amber, canary yellow, brownish yellow, gold, saffron |
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