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Wolverine   /wˌʊlvərˈin/   Listen

A native or resident of Michigan.  Synonym: Michigander.
Musteline mammal of northern Eurasia.  Synonyms: glutton, Gulo gulo.
Stocky shaggy-coated North American carnivorous mammal.  Synonyms: carcajou, Gulo luscus, skunk bear.

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"Wolverine" Quotes from Famous Books

... ambitious modiste or mincing male designer in these modern times. It fitted with a free and easy looseness and its colors were such as blended smoothly and kindly with the complexion of its wearer. The fur of the wolverine was a mixed black and white, but neither black nor white is the word to use. The black was not black; it was only a swart sort of color, and the white was not white; it was but a dingy, lighter contrast to the darker surface beside it. Yet the combination was rather ...
— The Story of Ab - A Tale of the Time of the Cave Man • Stanley Waterloo

... packs and sticking close together moved on—dodging another gray wolf and a coyote, and an animal that looked like a carcajou or wolverine, which snarled at us and ...
— Pluck on the Long Trail - Boy Scouts in the Rockies • Edwin L. Sabin

... builds a fire in the forest, shows more than a glimmer of intelligence. In the sly fox that puts out fish heads to bait hawks, or suddenly plunges in the water and immerses himself to escape hunters, or holds a branch of a bush over his head and actually runs with it to hide himself; in the wolverine who catches deer by dropping moss, and suddenly springing upon them and clawing their eyes out; in the bear, who, as told in the account of Cook's third voyage, "rolls down pieces of rock to crush stags; in the rat when he leads his blind brother with a stick" is actual reasoning. Indeed, ...
— The Human Side of Animals • Royal Dixon

... the Union have a popular name. New York is called the "Empire State," Pennsylvania the "Keystone State," etc. As you come west they seem to have taken the names of animals. Michigan is called the "Wolverine State," Wisconsin the "Badger State," and it is not at all singular that Minnesota should have been christened the "Gopher State." These names never originate by any recognized authority. They arise ...
— The History of Minnesota and Tales of the Frontier • Charles E. Flandrau

... was no more to him than a copper to coves like us. So we sailed away and our hearts were gay as we gazed on the gorgeous scene; And we laughed with glee as we caught the flea of the wolf and the wolverine; Yea, our hearts were light as the parasite of the ermine rat we slew, And the great musk ox, and the silver fox, and the moose and the caribou. And we laughed with zest as the insect pest of the marmot crowned ...
— Ballads of a Bohemian • Robert W. Service

... falling out, was brooding a litter of cutthroats and murderers in a nest of grass and twigs, and each one of them was a source of pride and joy to her mother heart. Even the wolverine had some wicked-eyed little cubs that, to her, were precious beyond rubies; but which would ultimately receive all the oaths in the language for stealing bait on the trap lines ...
— The Sky Line of Spruce • Edison Marshall

Words linked to "Wolverine" :   musteline, Gulo, Gulo gulo, American, carcajou, Michigander, genus Gulo, mustelid, musteline mammal

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