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Wholeheartedly   /hˈoʊlhɑrtɪdli/   Listen

Without reserve; without reservation.

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"Wholeheartedly" Quotes from Famous Books

... was indeed poor Bunning's only possible "leg," his ardour. He would willingly go to the stake for anything. It was the actual death and sacrifice that mattered—-and Bunning's life was spent in marching, magnificently and wholeheartedly, to the sacrificial altars and then discovering that he had simply ...
— The Prelude to Adventure • Hugh Walpole

... its founders to appropriate him after the triumph at Springfield, in October, 1854, met with a rebuff.(1) Nearly a year and a half went by before he affiliated himself with the new party. But once having made up his mind, he went forward wholeheartedly. At the State Convention of Illinois Republicans in 1856 he made a speech that has not been recorded but which is a tradition for moving oratory. That same year a considerable number of votes were cast for Lincoln for Vice-President in the Republican ...
— Lincoln • Nathaniel Wright Stephenson

Words linked to "Wholeheartedly" :   wholehearted

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