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Wedding night   /wˈɛdɪŋ naɪt/   Listen
Wedding night

The night after the wedding when bride and groom sleep together.

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"Wedding night" Quotes from Famous Books

... nameless dread was settling upon me, paralysing my faculties. She had always before sprung forward at sight of me and thrown herself with a bewitching little pirouette into my arms, now she stood coldly aloof, silent and motionless, on this, our wedding night! I waited for some word of explanation, but none came. The suspense became unbearable—I could endure ...
— The Darrow Enigma • Melvin L. Severy

... only speak conjecturally. There is a passage in the Prometheus Bound (ll. 860-69), in which we learn that the maidens were somehow reclaimed by the suitors, and that all, except one, slew their bridegrooms on the wedding night. There is a faint trace, among the Fragments of Aeschylus, of a play called Thalamopoioi,—i.e. The Preparers of the Chamber,—which may well have referred to this tragic scene. Its grim title will recall to all ...
— Suppliant Maidens and Other Plays • AEschylus

... noiselessly, with movements of angelic and elaborate gentleness that well-nigh disarmed her thought. He was sleeping now. She tried not to hear the sound of his placid breathing. Only the other night, their wedding night, she had lain awake at this hour and heard it, and had turned her face towards him where he lay in the divine unconsciousness of sleep. The childlike, huddled posture of the sleeper had then stirred her heart to an ...
— The Helpmate • May Sinclair

... of the fifty sons of AEgyptos, his brother, who wished to make them their wives. AEgyptos and the sons followed in pursuit, and Danaus was compelled to assent to their desires, but furnished each of his daughters with a dagger, on the wedding night, who thus slew their husbands, except one, whose husband, Lynceus, ultimately became king of Argos. From Danaus was derived the name of Danai, applied to the people of the Argeian territory, and to the Homeric ...
— Ancient States and Empires • John Lord

... Fridays this Lent: and the play they did yesterday, being Wednesday, was so well taken, that they thought fit to venture it publickly to- day; a play my Lord Falkand's, [Henry Carey, third Viscount Falkland, M.P, for Arundell 1661. Ob. 1664.] called "The Wedding Night," a kind of a tragedy, and some things very good in it, but the whole together, I thought, not so. I confess I was well enough pleased with my seeing it; and the people did do better (without the ...
— The Diary of Samuel Pepys • Samuel Pepys

... each man," cried he, "find a wife for his bosom, and each beast have his mate, and I be alone? I had feelings of affection, and they were requited by detestation and scorn. Are you to be happy, while I grovel in the intensity of my wretchedness? I go, but remember, I shall be with you on your wedding night." ...
— The World's Greatest Books, Vol VIII • Arthur Mee and J.A. Hammerton, Eds.

Words linked to "Wedding night" :   night, dark, wedding day, nighttime

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