"Water plant" Quotes from Famous Books
... curious animal which lives near the seashore, in shallow water, attached to a rock like a water plant, puts out little buds which grow awhile and then drop off, and after a time become large individuals like the parent, each in turn producing buds like the one from which it grew. Human beings are formed by a similar process. Human buds are formed ... — Plain Facts for Old and Young • John Harvey Kellogg |
Words linked to "Water plant" : tracheophyte, American frogbit, Heteranthera dubia, pickerel weed, cryptocoryne, water orchid, bog plant, Zostera marina, Limnodium spongia, caltrop, water lettuce, marsh plant, water chestnut, Eichhornia crassipes, Veronica michauxii, golden saxifrage, water cabbage, naiad, wampee, pondweed, eelgrass, water lily, mud plantain, Menyanthes trifoliata, featherfoil, tape grass, pipewort, pistia, water chestnut plant, marsh trefoil, wild celery, pickerelweed, Eichhornia spesiosa, water nymph, golden club, frog's-bit, hornwort, frogbit, water buttercup, Veronica anagallis-aquatica, bogbean, water shamrock, Hydrilla verticillata, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae, hydrophyte, water starwort, water pimpernel, water milfoil, pad, Vallisneria spiralis, hydrilla, waterweed, water crowfoot, feather-foil, golden spleen, duckweed, Eriocaulon aquaticum, Subularia aquatica, water trumpet, awlwort, Pistia stratiotes, buckbean, Pistia stratoites, water star grass, Orontium aquaticum, water hyacinth, grass wrack, sea wrack, Ranunculus aquatilis, bog myrtle, water speedwell, vascular plant, Pontederia cordata, arrow arum, swamp plant |
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