"Vertebra" Quotes from Famous Books
... conclusion. The former, during a journey in the Hartz Mountains, at the sight of a bleached deer's skull, and the latter, upon picking up a sheep's skull in the Jewish cemetery at Venice, were struck by the same thought: the skull is only a modified vertebra. Oken founded upon this idea and kindred analogies his profound philosophy of the system of animals and plants which comes very near to the evolution {35} theory, and in his cosmogony traces all organisms to a protoplasm in such a way as to bring him in this respect ... — The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality • Rudolf Schmid
... of turning on the quarter-deck with his face towards the Enemy, when he received his wound: he instantly fell; and was carried to the cockpit, where he lived about two hours.[26] On being brought below, he complained of acute pain about the sixth or seventh dorsal vertebra, and of privation of sense and motion of the body and inferior extremities. His respiration was short and difficult; pulse weak, small, and irregular. He frequently declared his back was shot through, ... — The Death of Lord Nelson • William Beatty
... small tree, and began to ascend it. Another shot through the back caused him to fall down dead. A flattened bullet was found in his tongue, having entered the lower part of the abdomen and completely traversed the body, fracturing the first cervical vertebra. Yet it was after this fearful wound that he had risen, and begun climbing with considerable facility. This also was a full-grown male of almost exactly the same dimensions as the other two I ... — The Malay Archipelago - Volume I. (of II.) • Alfred Russel Wallace
... notochord and occupies an anteroventral position in the vertebra. Anteriorly, each intercentrum articulates with the pleurocentra of the next preceding vertebra by slightly concave surfaces. Dorsolaterally there is an articular surface for the ... — A New Order of Fishlike Amphibia From the Pennsylvanian of Kansas • Theodore H. Eaton
... based the comparison of Articulates with Vertebrates is that each skeletal segment of Articulates is a vertebra. In the Hauts-vertebres the vertebrae are internal; in the Dermo-vertebres they are external. "Every animal lives either outside or inside its vertebral column."[91] The essence of a vertebra is not its form, nor its function, but its ... — Form and Function - A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology • E. S. (Edward Stuart) Russell
... examined by the side of the deep cavity on the corresponding part in some carnivora to which it answers, may perhaps be claimed as deserving attention. I have also pleased myself by making a special group of the six radiating muscles which diverge from the spine of the axis, or second cervical vertebra, and by giving to it the name stella musculosa nuchaee. But this scanty catalogue is only an evidence that one may teach long and see little that has not been noted by those who have gone before him. Of course I do not think it necessary ... — The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (The Physician and Poet not the Jurist)
... but the maternal affection that the little thing bears to its young will often induce it to offer battle even to a man approaching it. When the young one is too tender to run about with the dam, she puts one foot on the prominence about the seventh cervical vertebra, or withers; the instinct of the young enables it to understand that it is now required to kneel down, and to remain quite still till it hears the bleating of its dam. If you see an otherwise gregarious ... — Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa - Journeys and Researches in South Africa • David Livingstone
... under Owen's superintendence. The heart-burnings and jealousies about this matter are beyond all conception. Owen is both feared and hated, and it is predicted that if Gray and he come to be officers of the same institution, in a year or two the total result will be a caudal vertebra of each remaining after the manner ... — The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley Volume 1 • Leonard Huxley
... support the constitution of the United States, and promising to support the constitution and by-laws of Mr. Fitznoodle. The claimant was constantly assured that his claim was a good one and on these autograph letters written with a type-writer, the war-born veteran with a concussed vertebra bought groceries and secured the funds ... — Remarks • Bill Nye |