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Venue   /vˈɛnju/   Listen

The scene of any event or action (especially the place of a meeting).  Synonyms: locale, locus.
In law: the jurisdiction where a trial will be held.

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"Venue" Quotes from Famous Books

... Or, le poeme etait une oeuvre d'art et portait ces obliques et admirables marques. Mais la representation vient le contredire. Elle chasse vraiment les cygnes du grand lac, et elle rejette les perles dans l'abime. Elle remet les choses exactement au point ou elles etaient avant la venue du poete. La densite mystique de l'oeuvre d'art a disparue. Elle verse dans la meme erreur que celui qui apres avoir vante a ses auditeurs l'admirable Annonciation de Vinci, par exemple, s'imaginerait qu'il a fait penetrer ...
— Pelleas and Melisande • Maurice Maeterlinck

... conjecturer que Marie Therese n'aura pas ete assez exacte a detourner ses regards d'objets qu'une femme prudente doit s'interdire; qu'elle les aura fixes sur les negres que le progres du commerce maritime commencoit de rendre communs en France; et que de la sera venue la couleur de cette infortunee, qu'il aura fallu cacher dans un cloitre. Cette Mauresse et l'homme au masque de fer sont les deux mysteres du regne de Louis XIV. Le redacteur des Memoires de St. Simon dit qu'elle est morte a Moret en 1732, et que son portrait etoit encore ...
— Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone - Made During the Year 1819 • John Hughes

... done here, I suppose—live on others," was the crushing reply. "The venue will be changed, but you won't change, not you. If I were you, I'd try and not meet Jigger before you go. He doesn't know quite what it is, but he knows enough to ...
— The Judgment House • Gilbert Parker

... County, Alabama, in 1855 was reported with no expression of regret. A negro who had raped and murdered a young girl there was brought before the superior court in regular session. "When the case was called for trial a motion for change of venue to the county of Greene was granted. This so exasperated the citizens of Sumter (many of whom were in favor of summary punishment in the outset) that a large number of them collected on the 23d. ult., took him out of prison, chained him to a stake on the very spot where the ...
— American Negro Slavery - A Survey of the Supply, Employment and Control of Negro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Regime • Ulrich Bonnell Phillips

... they saw no reason for fault-finding. And it is conceivable that many plays were little affected by the circumstance that the actors wore court suits. It was but a shifting of the period of the story represented, a change of venue; and Romeo, in hair-powder, interested just as much as though he had assumed an auburn wig. The characters were, doubtless, very well played, and the actors appeared, at any rate, as "persons of quality." In ...
— A Book of the Play - Studies and Illustrations of Histrionic Story, Life, and Character • Dutton Cook

... and linguists, of all lovers of freedom, folklore and verse. Leading Italian writers like Cantupraised him highly; Lamartine, in 1844, wrote to him: "Je suis bien-heureux de ce signe de fraternite poetique et politique entre vous et moi. La poesie est venue de vos rivages et doit y retourner. . . ." Hermann Buchholtz discovers scenic changes worthy of Shakespeare, and passages of Aeschylean grandeur, in his tragedy "Sofonisba." Carnet compares him with Dante, and the omniscient Mr. Gladstone wrote ...
— Old Calabria • Norman Douglas

Words linked to "Venue" :   scene, locale, jurisdiction

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