"Utterer" Quotes from Famous Books
... after, alluding to this period in his life, pays this characteristic acknowledgment: "Bret Harte trimmed and trained and schooled me patiently until he changed me from an awkward utterer of coarse grotesqueness to a writer of paragraphs and chapters that have found favor in the eyes of even some of the decentest ... — A Backward Glance at Eighty • Charles A. Murdock
... in a towel, the effects of leprosy were hideously patent.—"What do you here? There is naught to be had. Pray depart at once." The answer was in tones the very harshness of which seemed to cause pain to the utterer—"The request is to Iemon Dono. Condescend to notify him." With fearful glance O'Hana shrank within, Iemon noted her nervous quivering. Promptly he was on his feet—"A beggar has frightened Hana? Such are to be severely dealt with." He went to the entrance. "A beggar, ... — The Yotsuya Kwaidan or O'Iwa Inari - Tales of the Tokugawa, Volume 1 (of 2) • James S. De Benneville
... some consolation to those who have a dread of witches that the word "Sabato," solemnly pronounced on these awful occasions, is of real service to the utterer; whilst such as have had the good fortune to be born on a Friday in March are permanently placed outside the evil power of their spells, since our Saviour was crucified on a ... — The Naples Riviera • Herbert M. Vaughan
... death of drought among the torrid sands of Africa; or some noble act, like that of Sir Philip Sidney on the battle-field, or David's libation of that desired draught from the well of Bethlehem. I need not remark that all these sayings might primarily be applied to their Good Utterer, if it seemed more advisable to shape the publication into seven sermons: but this, it will at once be perceived, is not the present object; the word "sermons" has to most men a repulsive sound, and a tale, similar in disguised ... — The Complete Prose Works of Martin Farquhar Tupper • Martin Farquhar Tupper
... due calculation of the force of the winds that blow down the gorge, the bridge will be at the bottom of the stream some stormy night, and the train piled on the fragments of it in hideous ruin. And with equal certainty the end of the first utterer of this speech can be calculated, and is foretold in the psalm, 'The Lord is King for ever and ever.... The godless are perished out of ... — Expositions Of Holy Scripture - Volume I: St. Luke, Chaps. I to XII • Alexander Maclaren
... an instant—and you will see that I am no utterer of base falsehoods. The robber-captain examined the diamonds carefully—yes, most carefully—and, while occupied in the scrutiny, he let drop expressions which convinced me that he was hired by the countess. 'The inventory is complete,' he said, 'just as it was described ... — Wagner, the Wehr-Wolf • George W. M. Reynolds
... many middle-class people, had taken a compliment almost as a personal offence; and regarded the utterer, however gracious or sincere, with suspicion. Neither had the squire himself erred on the side ... — Peter's Mother • Mrs. Henry De La Pasture
... house of my beloved, in order to inform her of every circumstance attending the transaction. I found her, but how? A malicious female individual had hurried to her with a distorted tale, to the effect that I had been taken up as an utterer of forged notes; that an immense number had been found in my possession; that I was already committed, and that probably I should be executed. My affianced one tenderly loved me, and her constitution was delicate; fit succeeded fit; she broke a blood-vessel, and I found her ... — The Romany Rye • George Borrow
... dictum owes much of its weight to his years or his office. Boys as well as their elders now expect advice to be based on personal experience, and do not listen with any great seriousness or deference to admonitions the value of which the utterer has ... — Reflections and Comments 1865-1895 • Edwin Lawrence Godkin
... the older of the two, now, the utterer of words of comfort; and I was the child. The moon rose late, but before we retired it flooded the grove with light. The wolves howled on the prairie, and the screech-owls cried pitifully in the grove; but I was happy. I told Virginia that we must break camp in the morning and move on. I ... — Vandemark's Folly • Herbert Quick |
Words linked to "Utterer" : prater, chatterbox, caller-up, witness, magpie, mentioner, lecturer, ranter, conversationalist, telephoner, drawler, voicer, articulator, informant, ejaculator, reciter, driveller, orator, lisper, stammerer, jabberer, murmurer, phoner, spouter, vociferator, organism, deceiver, caller, cheater, motormouth, public speaker, questioner, beguiler, being, witnesser, babbler, querier, speechifier, teller, slicker, speechmaker, chatterer, alliterator, rhetorician, talking head, inquirer, prattler, utter, stentor, dictator, cheat, wailer, native speaker, narrator, whisperer, trickster, venter, storyteller, asker, mumbler, schmoozer, enquirer, growler, conversationist, raver |
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