"Umbelliferae" Quotes from Famous Books
... to the brown paper of the outer wrapper and mixed up with the Volucella's are a large number of other eggs, chalk white, spear-shaped and ridged lengthwise with seven or eight thin ribs, after the manner of the seeds of certain Umbelliferae. The finishing touch to their delicate beauty is the fine stippling all over the surface. They are smaller by half than the others. I have seen grubs come out of them which might easily be the earliest stage of some pointed maggots which I have already ... — The Life of the Fly - With Which are Interspersed Some Chapters of Autobiography • J. Henri Fabre |
Words linked to "Umbelliferae" : genus Anethum, Anethum, Apiaceae, genus Petroselinum, genus Seseli, Cuminum, Levisticum, genus Pastinaca, genus Pimpinella, genus Sanicula, genus Conopodium, genus Smyrnium, Smyrnium, Conium, umbellifer, genus Daucus, genus Astrantia, Petroselinum, genus Carum, family Apiaceae, genus Oenanthe, Apium, genus Eryngium, genus Cuminum, genus Myrrhis, Anthriscus, Myrrhis, order Umbellales, umbelliferous plant, Conopodium, Sison, Eryngium, Aethusa, Seseli, genus Anthriscus, genus Aethusa, Pimpinella, Pastinaca, carrot family, genus Heracleum, Heracleum, genus Cicuta, Foeniculum, Cicuta, genus Foeniculum, genus Sison, genus Conium, genus Apium, genus Levisticum, Daucus, Sium, Sanicula, Oenanthe, genus Angelica, Carum, genus Sium, Umbellales, rosid dicot family |
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