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Try out   /traɪ aʊt/   Listen
Try out

Put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to.  Synonyms: essay, examine, prove, test, try.  "Test this recipe"
Try something new, as in order to gain experience.  Synonym: experiment.  "The composer experimented with a new style"
Perform in order to get a role.  Synonym: audition.
Take a sample of.  Synonyms: sample, taste, try.  "Sample the regional dishes"

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"Try out" Quotes from Famous Books

... The agonies endured before and during those entertainments are renewed, and smart again. What a failure that special grand dinner was! How those dreadful occasional waiters did break the old china! What a dismal hash poor Mary, the cook, made of the French dish which she WOULD try out of Francatelli! How angry Mrs. Pope was at not going down to dinner before Mrs. Bishop! How Trimalchio sneered at your absurd attempt to give a feast; and Harpagon cried out at your extravagance and ostentation! How Lady Almack bullied the other ladies in the drawing-room (when no ...
— Roundabout Papers • William Makepeace Thackeray

... operas. But unless they could be performed, it was useless to try and make operas. This was a serious difficulty; but Felix was deeply in earnest in whatever he undertook, and decided he must have an orchestra to try out his operatic efforts. It looked like an impossibility, but love and money can accomplish wonders. A small orchestra was duly selected from among the members of the Court band. The lad Felix was to conduct these sedate musicians, ...
— The World's Great Men of Music - Story-Lives of Master Musicians • Harriette Brower

... chair—that took me in the night. There warn't no waitin' 'til mornin'! Long ago I learned that. Once the idee has a-holt of me there's nothin' to do but haul myself out of bed, even if it's midnight an' colder'n the devil, an' try out that notion." ...
— Flood Tide • Sara Ware Bassett

... what is called "cutting-in," that is, cutting up the whale, and getting the fat or blubber hoisted in. The next thing we did was to "try out" the oil, or melt down the fat in large iron pots brought with us for this purpose; and the change that took place in the appearance of the ship and the men when ...
— Fighting the Whales • R. M. Ballantyne

... research. tryout, audition. [results of experiment] discovery &c 480; measurement &c 466; evidence &c 467. [reasoning about an experiment] deduction, induction, abduction. V. experiment; essay &c (endeavor) 675; try, try out, assay; make an experiment, make a trial of; give a trial to; put on trial, subject to trial; experiment upon; rehearse; put to the test, bring to the test, submit to the test, submit to the proof; prove, verify, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

... reared, with all the Wream creed that higher education is the final end of man, is set with a Wream-like firmness in her hatred of poverty, her eagerness for riches and luxury. And to add to all this responsibility he must send me his pet Greek scholar, Vincent Burgess, to try out as a professor in Sunrise. A Burgess, of all men in the world, to be sent to me! Of course this young man knows nothing of my affairs but is my brother too old and too scholarly to remember what I've tried ...
— A Master's Degree • Margaret Hill McCarter

... Dr. Gould always drove his auto, the reckless way almost all these people drove their autos, the fallacy of supposing that these socialists could carry on a government for as much as six months if they ever did have a chance to try out their theories, and the crazy way in which Carol ...
— Main Street • Sinclair Lewis

... bygones," said Jimmy. "I was more sinned against than sinning. You know how it is, uncle Pete!" Mr. Pett started violently, but said nothing. "You try out of pure goodness of heart to scatter light and sweetness and protect the poor working-girl—like Heaven—and brighten up her lot and so on, and she turns right around and soaks it to you good! And anyway she wasn't a barmaid. She worked in ...
— Piccadilly Jim • Pelham Grenville Wodehouse

... Science, the name of Philosophy—it matters not, for the same thing is meant. There is naught but Truth—nothing else really exists. All that is not Truth is Illusion, Maya, Nothing. And Mystic Christianity is based upon the Rock of Truth, fearing not the winds nor the storms that try out the stability of all structures of thought. Like its founder, it has always existed—always will exist—from the Beginningless Beginning to the Endless Ending. The same ...
— Mystic Christianity • Yogi Ramacharaka

... TO TRY OUT FAT.—The fat of meat consists of fat held by a network of connective tissue. To make meat fat suitable for frying it is necessary to separate the fat from the tissue. This is ...
— School and Home Cooking • Carlotta C. Greer

... pleasure was vice. The large sums he had put by for Margaret gave him ample means for debauchery, and he sought for a moment's oblivion in the excitements of the hour. "Ghysbrecht lives; Margaret dies!" he would try out. "Curse life, curse death, and whosoever made ...
— The World's Greatest Books, Vol VII • Various

... tell you. I figured we would try out the rest cure, you and me. We'll get close to nature out here in the sunshine, and not do a thing but rest till the cows come home," Keller explained easily. His voice was indolent, his manner amiable; but there was a wariness ...
— Mavericks • William MacLeod Raine

... I kind of want to try out a little signaling stunt that Dick and I have been figuring on. Here's a good sandy stretch; let's beach ...
— The Boy Scouts of the Air on Lost Island • Gordon Stuart

Words linked to "Try out" :   take, field-test, perform, degust, control, evaluate, float, ingest, verify, judge, performing arts, take in, have, consume, tryout, pass judgment, read

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