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Trammel   /trˈæməl/   Listen

A fishing net with three layers; the outer two are coarse mesh and the loose inner layer is fine mesh.  Synonym: trammel net.
An adjustable pothook set in a fireplace.
A restraint that is used to teach a horse to amble.
A restraint that confines or restricts freedom (especially something used to tie down or restrain a prisoner).  Synonyms: bond, hamper, shackle.

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"Trammel" Quotes from Famous Books

... impressive to view a man, with gigantic intellect, involved in the net which was laid to trammel his free spirit, disregarding his own wisdom; seeking guidance from heaven in earnest prayer, and in searching the sacred Scriptures; disentangling himself, and calmly waiting the will of his heavenly Father. Still he severely felt the infirmities of nature. ...
— The Works of John Bunyan • John Bunyan

... having risen so high that in places the boys had to bend down. Then once more they were in the long, canal-like zigzag, and soon after in the dock, where they loyally helped the old man carry up and spread the trammel net to ...
— Cormorant Crag - A Tale of the Smuggling Days • George Manville Fenn

... mummeries; thy Twelve-tide kings And queens; thy Christmas revellings: Thy nut-brown mirth, thy russet wit, And no man pays too dear for it.— To these, thou hast thy times to go And trace the hare i' th' treacherous snow: Thy witty wiles to draw, and get The lark into the trammel net: Thou hast thy cockrood, and thy glade To take the precious pheasant made: Thy lime-twigs, snares, and pit-falls then To catch the pilfering birds, ...
— A Selection From The Lyrical Poems Of Robert Herrick • Robert Herrick

... trammel of her dress, Her blown locks, took my soul in mesh; God's breath they spake, with visibleness That stirred the raiment of ...
— New Poems • Francis Thompson

... on some stormy night We, venturing far from home, And casting our poor trammel to the tide, Perhaps shall feel it come Back to the vessel's side, So easy and so light A child might lift, Yet hiding in its mesh the one desired gift; That living food Which man for ever seeks to snatch from ...
— A Cluster of Grapes - A Book of Twentieth Century Poetry • Various

... sworn fidelity to the King, and obedience to herself; all the governors of fortresses had followed their example; and the great nobles, whose plans were not yet matured, and whose cupidity was for the moment satisfied, testified no inclination to disturb, or to trammel the measures of the Government. The relief afforded to the middle and lower classes by the diminution of some of the national imposts, and the abolition of others, began to produce its effect upon the popular mind; and the young King ...
— The Life of Marie de Medicis, Vol. 2 (of 3) • Julia Pardoe

... fiercely, yet crinolines were in full flower, and the one disported by the doctor's daughter of a Sunday was the admiration and envy of the feminine members of the town. "I should feel I was in a cage," quoth Hilaria at the suggestion that she should trammel her long legs in such a contraption—unconsciously hitting on the essential reason for the allure of crinolines. She had to wear one now for dancing-class, as it made movement and spacing so different; but other times she went her wilful way, short nose in air, encouraged by the ...
— Secret Bread • F. Tennyson Jesse

... for her own gratification and for her beauty; if the opinion that imposes upon her, on pain of infamy, habits pure and honest, weakens; if, instead of infamy, dissoluteness brings her glory, riches, homage, what trammel can still restrain in her the selfish instincts latent in every human being? She runs the mighty danger of changing into an irresponsible being who will be the more admired and courted and possessed of power—at least as long as her beauty lasts—the more she ignores every duty, subordinating all ...
— The Women of the Caesars • Guglielmo Ferrero

Words linked to "Trammel" :   pothook, restrict, fishnet, throttle, bound, halter, strangle, encumber, reduce, chains, tighten, cumber, constraint, clamp down, capture, restraint, inhibit, bond, ball and chain, tie, crack down, confine, fetter, fishing net, baffle, hunt, gin, hold, rule, gate, cuff, harness, mark out, cramp, handcuff, tighten up, irons, moderate, catch, trammel net, ensnare, draw a line, manacle, check, curb, hobble, hunting, restrain, limit, constrain, handlock, rein, stiffen, hold in, mark off, contain, control, regulate, draw the line

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