"Trammel" Quotes from Famous Books
... original stammer was replaced by a felicitous pause, the pause as of a thoughtful reasoner or a solemn monitor knitting ideas, that came too quick, into method, or chastening impulse into disciplined zeal. The mind of the preacher, thus not only freed from trammel, but armed for victory, came forth with that power which is peculiar to an original intellect—the power which suggests more than it demonstrates. He did not so much preach to his audience as wind himself through unexpected ways ... — What Will He Do With It, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton |
Words linked to "Trammel" : crack down, harness, tighten, hold in, rein, fishing net, mark out, hunting, regulate, mark off, tie, hobble, rule, handcuff, hold, baffle, trammel net, stiffen, curb, cramp, reduce, hunt, handlock, clamp down, encumber, chains, capture, manacle, pothook, ball and chain, contain, draw a line, ensnare, cuff, moderate, restraint, halter, draw the line, tighten up, fishnet, irons, control, gate, inhibit, cumber, fetter, gin, check, strangle, constrain, catch, constraint |
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