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Miscellaneous objects too numerous or too small to be specified.

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"Sundries" Quotes from Famous Books

... suppose that Mr. Church would not deduct from my salary the price of those genteel articles of dress, which were of no more use to me than a marlinspike to a dandy. Indeed, had I indulged in such unreasonable hopes, I should have been undeceived when a bill for sundries from a trader came to hand, of an amount far exceeding my expectations, with a polite request that I would transmit the money at the ...
— Jack in the Forecastle • John Sherburne Sleeper

... longer: I must learn to manage without servants. (Opens the paper, and reads.) "What my master, the Major, owes me:—Three months and a half wages, six thalers per month, is 21 thalers. During the first part of this month, laid out in sundries—1 thaler 7 groschen 9 pfennigs. Total, 22 thalers 7gr. 9pf." Right; and it is just that I also pay your wages, for the whole of ...
— Minna von Barnhelm • Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

... repose. Lot Five, The old Stage Watering-pot, complete—except the nose. Lot Six, The favorite Water-mill, used for Amina's dream, Complete, with practicable wheel, and painted canvas stream. Lots Seven to Twelve, Some sundries—A Pair of Sylphide's Wings; Three dozen Druid's Dresses (one of them wanting strings). Lots Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen—Three Services of Plate In real papier mache—all in a decent state; One of these services includes—its value to increase— A full dessert, each plate of fruit forming ...
— The Humourous Poetry of the English Language • James Parton

Words linked to "Sundries" :   stuff, plural, plural form

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