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School of thought   /skul əv θɔt/   Listen
School of thought

A belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school.  Synonyms: doctrine, ism, philosophical system, philosophy.

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"School of thought" Quotes from Famous Books

... actor, striking changes of expression without material change of feature under the changing incidence of stress and glow. The ultimate gist of his teaching was presented through the medium of conceptions proper to another school of thought, which, like a cryptogram, convey one meaning but express another, He had to work with categories like finite and infinite, which the atomic habits of his mind thrust into exclusive opposition; whereas the profoundest thing that he had ...
— Robert Browning • C. H. Herford

... now turn to the question of Vitalism. It was long the regnant theory; then temporarily the Cinderella of biology; it is now returning to its early position, though still denied by those of the older school of thought who cannot imagine the kitchen wench of yesterday the ruler of to-day. One of the objections to Vitalism is that this explanation of living things is thought by ignorant writers to be so inextricably ...
— Science and Morals and Other Essays • Bertram Coghill Alan Windle

... past is conditioned by the general tenor and purpose of their theory of life. It was simply one item in their demonstration that man owed nothing to supernatural intervention and had nothing to fear from supernatural powers. It is however no accident that the school of thought which struck on a path that might have led to the idea of Progress was the most uncompromising enemy ...
— The Idea of Progress - An Inquiry Into Its Origin And Growth • J. B. Bury

... starved by non-intercourse. The Turks themselves made such a policy impossible by their raid against the Suez Canal in February, 1915, and the inception of the Dardanelles Expedition marked the final victory of the school of thought which put its faith in an Eastern offensive. Some sort of offensive, whether against Gallipoli or Alexandretta or Haifa, had become perhaps ...
— With Manchesters in the East • Gerald B. Hurst

... the matter of historical facts and relations. Historical and literary criticism was altogether unknown, and a number of works were ascribed to Aristotle which did not belong to him, and which were foreign in spirit to his mode of thinking. They emanated from a different school of thought with different presuppositions. I am referring to the treatise called the "Theology of Aristotle,"[6] and that known as the "Liber de Causis."[7] Both were attributed to Aristotle in the middle ages by Jews and Arabs alike, but it has been shown recently[8] that the ...
— A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy • Isaac Husik

... the purpose of improving their health, in order to prevent or treat illness, or even one who fasts for weight loss will not develop an eating disorder. Eating disorders mean eating compulsively because of a distorted body image. Anorexics and bulimics have obsessions with the thinner-is-better school of thought. The anorexic looks at their emaciated frame in the mirror and thinks they are fat! This is the distorted perception of a very insecure person badly in need of therapy. A bulimic, on the other hand stuffs themselves, usually with bad food, and then ...
— How and When to Be Your Own Doctor • Dr. Isabelle A. Moser with Steve Solomon

... war, and we were beaten. There used to be a school of thought among us that deplored our combativeness; before we had ever met any people from off Earth, even, you could hear people saying we were toughest, cruelest life-form in the Universe, unfit to mingle with the gentler wiser races ...
— The Stoker and the Stars • Algirdas Jonas Budrys (AKA John A. Sentry)

... commensurate with the wide and deep influence he undoubtedly exercised. For this there are many reasons. Unlike the High Church leaders who flourished with him at Oxford in the second quarter of the nineteenth century, he never identified himself with any organised party or school of thought, and he thus deprived himself of many echoes and of much support. It was, indeed, one of his first principles that there is no more fatal obstacle to the discovery of truth than the deflecting influence of party and system, and that the jealous ...
— Historical and Political Essays • William Edward Hartpole Lecky

... fault of biographers to over-colour the character of a favourite hero, but those who knew Sir William Heathcote will admit that there is no exaggeration in what I have said. He was the highest product of a class and school of thought which is fast disappearing, and which will perhaps find few representatives in the next generation. With change of time comes also change of men; and the statesmen and politicians of the new world, whatever ...
— John Keble's Parishes • Charlotte M Yonge

... man's words; gives reminiscence an added charm; makes old stories new; makes the laughter and smiles come twice as often and stay twice as long. Friendship lies upon the heart like a warm fire upon the hearth. By reason of friendship history exhibits every great man as leaving his school of thought and a group of disciples behind him. His spirit lingers with men long after his form has disappeared from the streets, as the sun lingers in the clouds after the day is done, as the melody lingers ...
— The Investment of Influence - A Study of Social Sympathy and Service • Newell Dwight Hillis

Words linked to "School of thought" :   precept, dogma, credo, creed, democracy, pacifism, secularism, prescriptivism, abolitionism, humanitarianism, equalitarianism, antiestablishmentarianism, animism, religious doctrine, states' rights, irridentism, kabbalism, millennium, secessionism, internationalism, contextualism, Girondism, freethinking, epicureanism, philosophical theory, humanism, dynamism, belief, asceticism, divine right of kings, functionalism, reformism, nuclear deterrence, establishmentism, divine right, imitation, gymnosophy, absolutism, animalism, nihilism, establishmentarianism, gospel, creationism, dualism, descriptivism, unilateralism, laissez faire, reincarnationism, formalism, antiestablishmentism, cabalism, teaching, ethicism, expansionism, monism, phenomenology, egalitarianism, individualism, theological doctrine, pacificism, literalism, commandment, rationalism, presentism, passivism, philosophical doctrine, doctrine, secular humanism, majority rule, feminism, amoralism, utilitarianism, multiculturalism, irredentism, church doctrine, populism, nationalism, pluralism

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