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Rodent   /rˈoʊdənt/   Listen

Relatively small placental mammals having a single pair of constantly growing incisor teeth specialized for gnawing.  Synonym: gnawer.

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"Rodent" Quotes from Famous Books

... trichodactylus), there is not one of which it can truly be said that it is in any special way the product of the pampas, or, in other words, that its instincts are better suited to the conditions of the pampas than to those of other districts. As a fact, this large rodent inhabits a vast extent of country, north, west, and south of the true pampas, but nowhere is he so thoroughly on his native heath as on the great grassy plain. There, to some extent, he even makes his own conditions, ...
— The Naturalist in La Plata • W. H. Hudson

... industry, forecast, and confidence. None watching him as we did could fail to sympathize with him; and I fancy that in practical weather wisdom no government forecaster with all his advantages surpasses this little Alaska rodent, every hair and nerve ...
— Travels in Alaska • John Muir

... spread them discreetly, "urbi et orbi," through Paris and the provinces, seasoned with the fried pork of advertisement and prospectus, by means of which they catch in their rat-trap the departmental rodent commonly called subscriber, sometimes stockholder, occasionally corresponding member ...
— Parisians in the Country - The Illustrious Gaudissart, and The Muse of the Department • Honore de Balzac

... feet long exclusive of the tail, which is one foot more. It is of a deep chestnut colour; the hair very fine, smooth, and glossy. The Indians use its incisor teeth, which are very large and hard, to cut the bone or horn with which they tip their spears. It is a rodent, or gnawing animal. It has a broad, horizontal, flattened tail, nearly of an oval form, which is covered with scales. The hind feet are webbed, and, with the aid of the tail, which acts as a rudder, enable it to swim through the water with ease ...
— Afar in the Forest • W.H.G. Kingston

... edible; but statisticians usually admit that hogmeat forms the staple. Doctor KANE speaks in glowing terms of the excellence of rats when mixed with due proportions of walrus blubber, and cut out in frozen chunks, probably with a cold-chisel. Why this fierce rodent should make more savory meat than the innocent kitten, does not appear. The latter is certainly much nicer to play with, in the ante-mortem state. But this is a digression. Returning, therefore, not ...
— Punchinello, Vol.1, No. 4, April 23, 1870 • Various

Words linked to "Rodent" :   rat chinchilla, eutherian, capibara, Neofiber alleni, Sigmodon hispidus, cavy, water rat, round-tailed muskrat, murine, mouse, porcupine, lemming, jumping mouse, coypu, Dasyprocta aguti, gnawer, nutria, marmot, cotton rat, Cuniculus paca, Chinchilla laniger, Florida water rat, placental mammal, hedgehog, chinchillon, Rodentia, musquash, Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, jerboa, order Rodentia, capybara, chinchilla, chinchilla rat, gerbille, mountain viscacha, muskrat, hamster, squirrel, mara, wood-rat, wood rat, mountain beaver, Dolichotis patagonum, prairie marmot, dormouse, Aplodontia rufa, Myocastor coypus, Lagostomus maximus, mole rat, rat, mountain paca, New World mouse, sewellel, beaver, viscacha, abrocome, prairie dog, Ondatra zibethica, gerbil, placental, agouti, paca, eutherian mammal, mountain chinchilla, sand rat

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