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English Dictionary      examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

Residual   /rɪzˈɪdʒuəl/   Listen

Something left after other parts have been taken away.  Synonyms: balance, remainder, residue, residuum, rest.  "He threw away the rest" , "He took what he wanted and I got the balance"
(often plural) a payment that is made to a performer or writer or director of a television show or commercial that is paid for every repeat showing.

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"Residual" Quotes from Famous Books

... but his profound vision perceived its possible invalidity. He saw that it was at least possible that the difference of conducting power between the earth and the wire might give one an advantage over the other, and that thus a residual or differential current might be obtained. He combined wires of different materials, and caused them to act in opposition to each other, but found the combination ineffectual. The more copious flow in the better conductor was exactly counterbalanced ...
— Faraday As A Discoverer • John Tyndall

... hatchet will do for the anvil. As the copper will give easily, a good dent may be made by striking the punch or nail with a hammer. If the spring has been annealed before denting it, it should be hardened again (App. 21) before magnetizing it, so that it will retain magnetism well. (See Residual Magnetism ...
— How Two Boys Made Their Own Electrical Apparatus • Thomas M. (Thomas Matthew) St. John

... buoyancy in the singer and adds greatly to the efficiency of his voice and the effectiveness of his performance. Proper breathing is a cleaning process for the interior of the body. It cleanses the residual air, the air that remains in the lungs after each respiration; and it does much more. Air enters the lungs as oxygen; it comes out as carbonic acid, an impure gas created by the impurities of the body. The process of breathing dispatches the ...
— The Voice - Its Production, Care and Preservation • Frank E. Miller

... in getting the "Edison" current incandescent lamps to change in direction at even the highest degree of exhaustion which my pump will produce. The subject requires further investigation, and like other residual phenomena these discrepancies promise a rich harvest of future discoveries to the experimental philosopher, just as the waste products of the chemist have often proved the source ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 795, March 28, 1891 • Various

... here to account for the lack of respiration the minute after the violent effort. The residual air, which in a normal state is largely charged with carbonic acid, has been so completely exhausted that some moments are consumed before there is sufficient again to call upon the ...
— Scientific American Supplement No. 275 • Various

... later, it was shown that while Laplace was quite correct as regards the general principles involved, the friction of the moving water must prevent the complete neutralization of the two opposing forces, and leave a small residual force acting towards the west and retarding the rotation. Kant's conclusion was established, but by an action different from ...
— Side-lights on Astronomy and Kindred Fields of Popular Science • Simon Newcomb

... division of powers of government between the central governmental establishment and the states. The powers of the Imperial government, it is important to observe, are specifically enumerated; those of the states are residual. It is within the competence of the Imperial government to bring about an enlargement of the powers that have been confided to it; but until it does so in any particular direction the power of the state governments in that direction is unlimited. On the one hand, there is a ...
— The Governments of Europe • Frederic Austin Ogg

... she died at 59. Possibly hallucinated: someone called her mother (single woman). Delusion: the spirit is here (Protestant). Patient was given to a stream of muttered, vulgar and incoherent talk. Possibly the case was residual from hebephrenia. Dr. W. L. Worcester found cell changes in the superior temporal gyri (finely granular stainable substance in practically all nerve cells) and not elsewhere. The correlation is suggestive ...
— The Journal of Abnormal Psychology - Volume 10

... solution, whilst the iron takes its place. And we know, also, that no more copper can be obtained in this way from the blue vitriol than is actually used up in preparing it; and, further, that all the iron which is apparently converted into copper can be got out of the residual solution by appropriate methods, if such be desired; so that the facts really support DALTON'S theory rather than the alchemical doctrines. But to the alchemist it looked like a real transmutation of iron into copper, ...
— Bygone Beliefs • H. Stanley Redgrove

... indiscriminately, I must next remark that it is undoubtedly one of the strongest lines of evidence which we possess. When we once remember that, according to the general theory of evolution itself, the present geographical distribution of plants and animals is "the visible outcome or residual product of the whole past history of the earth," and, therefore, that of the conditions determining the characters of life inhabiting this and that particular area continuity or discontinuity with other areas is but one,—when we remember this, ...
— Darwin, and After Darwin (Vol. 1 and 3, of 3) • George John Romanes

... gigantic racial movements of the world. His land was the scene of savage racial struggles. His rivers ran red with the blood of Hun and Slav, of Greek and Albanian, of Osmanli and Seljuk. His fields and pastures became the dumping-ground of residual shreds of a dozen and one nations surviving from great defeats or Pyrrhic victories and ...
— Defenders of Democracy • The Militia of Mercy

... no place for a day. We astronomers had to establish our exact position relative to the solar system. The crew had to find out exactly what went wrong. The physicists had to make mystic passes in front of meters and mutter about residual folds in stress-free space. Our task was easy, because we were about half a light-year from the sun. The crew's job was also easy: they found what went wrong in less than ...
— Accidental Death • Peter Baily

... by the actual distillation of liquid air. Since nitrogen boils at -194 deg. and oxygen at -180.5 deg. C., if liquid air be evaporated, the nitrogen escapes, especially at the commencement of the evaporation, while the oxygen concentrates in the residual liquid, which finally consists of pure oxygen, while at the same time the temperature rises to the boiling-point (-180.5 deg. C.) of oxygen. But liquid air is costly, and if one were content to evaporate it for ...
— The New Physics and Its Evolution • Lucien Poincare

... in his dungeon, alone, he had opened himself and viewed the cloaca which had so long been fed by the residual waters escaped from the abattoirs of Tiffauges and Machecoul. He had sobbed in despair of ever draining this stagnant pool. And thunder-smitten by grace, in a cry of horror and joy, he had suddenly seen ...
— La-bas • J. K. Huysmans

... later found in mechanical clocks evolved through various cultures and flowed into Europe, coming together in a burst of multifarious activity during the second half of the 13th century, notably in the region of France. We must now attempt to fill the residual gap, and in so doing examine the importance of perpetual motion devices, mechanical and magnetic, in the crucial transition from ...
— On the Origin of Clockwork, Perpetual Motion Devices, and the Compass • Derek J. de Solla Price

Words linked to "Residual" :   part, payment, constituent, plural, component, component part, plural form, leftover, portion, remnant

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