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Prise   Listen

To move or force, especially in an effort to get something open.  Synonyms: jimmy, lever, prize, pry.  "Raccoons managed to pry the lid off the garbage pail"
Make an uninvited or presumptuous inquiry.  Synonym: pry.
Regard highly; think much of.  Synonyms: esteem, prize, respect, value.  "We prize his creativity"

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"Prise" Quotes from Famous Books

... said brutally. "Waste no time on that boy. Before the man returns, let us seize our prise. Keep your hands off. This is no common chest. It opens with a combination lock and the ...
— The Son of Clemenceau • Alexandre (fils) Dumas

... raining, may not the Hundred-and-twenty Paris Electors, though their Cahier is long since finished, see good to meet again daily, as an 'Electoral Club'? They meet first 'in a Tavern;'—where 'the largest wedding-party' cheerfully give place to them. (Dusaulx, Prise de la Bastille (Collection des Memoires, par Berville et Barriere, Paris, 1821), p. 269.) But latterly they meet in the Hotel-de-Ville, in the Townhall itself. Flesselles, Provost of Merchants, with his Four Echevins ...
— The French Revolution • Thomas Carlyle

... B-bassett," she said. "We were coming to surp-prise you, and travel in Europe; but the mines went wrong, and p-pa was obliged ...
— A Fair Barbarian • Frances Hodgson Burnett

... alarmed and began to fear a trap. With his sword he hewed and hacked at the stout oak door, whilst Stuteley sought to prise it open. ...
— Robin Hood • Paul Creswick

... and their fine stature and proportions. Adanson has made this observation of the Negroes on the Senegal. He thus describes the men. "Leur taille est pour l'ordinaire au-dessus de la mediocre, bien prise et sans defaut. Ils sont forts, robustes, et d'un temperament propre a la fatigue. Ils ont les yeux noirs et bien fendus, peu de barbe, les traits du visage assez agreables." They are complete Negroes, for it is added ...
— History of the Negro Race in America From 1619 to 1880. Vol 1 - Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens • George W. Williams

... prise, than otherwise; so that my bonds, my imprisonment, with its custodia militaris, are become unmistakable (phanerous) as being in Christ; as due to no social or political crime, but to the ...
— Philippian Studies - Lessons in Faith and Love from St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians • Handley C. G. Moule

... En aucun cas, un belligerant ne peut faire usage d'un port Francais, ou appartenant a un Etat protege, dans un but de guerre, &c. (2) La duree du sejour dans nos ports de belligerants, non accompagnes d'une prise, n'a ete limitee par aucune disposition speciale; mais pour etre autorises a y sejourner, ils sont tenus de se conformer aux conditions ordinaires de la neutralite, qui peuvent se resumer ainsi qu'il suit:—(a) ... (b) Les dits navires ne peuvent, a l'aide de ressources puisees ...
— Letters To "The Times" Upon War And Neutrality (1881-1920) • Thomas Erskine Holland

... les esprits d'un certain ordre n'est souvent qu'une grande vue prise hors du temps et du lieu, et ne gardant aucun rapport reel avec les objets environnants. Le propre de certaines prunelles ardentes est de franchir du regard les intervalles et de les supprimer. Tantot c'est une idee qui retarde de plusieurs siecles, et que ces vigoureux esprits se ...
— On Compromise • John Morley

... said a little weak voice, when Mr. Mordacks, having knocked in vain, began to prise open the cottage door. "Mother is so poorly; and you mustn't think of coming in. Oh, whatever shall I do, if you won't stop ...
— Mary Anerley • R. D. Blackmore

... "Wouldn't s'prise me a bit, if he done that," replied Pete querulously. "The old man ain't lacking in nerve. Back thar was the first time I ever seen him hang back in my long ...
— Frontier Boys on the Coast - or in the Pirate's Power • Capt. Wyn Roosevelt

... Faust," I read, "et jamais le celebre personnage de Goethe n'adore plus exquise Gretchen. Miss Nadine Neroni est, en effet, une ideale Marguerite a la taille bien prise, au visage joli eclaire des deux yeux grands et doux. Et lorsqu'elle commenca a chanter, ce fut un veritable ravissement: sa voix se fit l'interprete revee de la divine musique de Gounod, tandis que sa personne ...
— The Cords of Vanity • James Branch Cabell et al

... manquer a nos engagements. Nous serions donc places dans une alternative bien triste si l'Autriche elle-meme ne semblait pas deja nous inviter de ne point rompre toute negociation. Or en reflechissant aujourd'hui a cette situation, je me disais: ne pourrait-on pas repondre a l'Autriche ceci: La prise de Kars a tant soit peu change nos situations; puisque la Russie consent a evacuer toute l'Asie Mineure nous nous bornons a demander pour la Turquie, au lieu de la rectification de frontiere, les places fortes formant tete de pont ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume III (of 3), 1854-1861 • Queen of Great Britain Victoria

... an' mebbe he kept this for you as a sort o' s'prise," the driver allowed, with a grin. "Good-bye. Giddap!" And the coach whirled away, in a cloud of dust, leaving Whitey standing in the lonely road, looking off over the ...
— Injun and Whitey to the Rescue • William S. Hart

... said Bolderwood; "but I'm reck'ning that he'll be as glad to see the Colonel as the Colonel is ter see him. I know that somebody was over there in the fort to find out how the land lies and what sort o' shape them red-coats is in, an' 'twouldn't s'prise me if ...
— With Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga • W. Bert Foster

... Strings as low as the knee behind and not So low before maney of the men have blankets of red blue or Spotted Cloth or the common three & 21/2 point blankets, and Salors old Clothes which they appear to prise highly, they also have robes of Sea Otter, Beaver, Elk, Deer, fox and Cat common to this countrey, which I have never Seen in the U States. They also precure a roabe from the nativs above, which is ...
— The Journals of Lewis and Clark • Meriwether Lewis et al

... in speling today. old Francis is a going to give a prise tomorrow. i told father i was pretty sure to get it and he said it will be the first one. Aunt Sarah asked him if he took many prises. and he said he dident get much of a prise when he got me. i gess he wont say that tomorrow when i ...
— The Real Diary of a Real Boy • Henry A. Shute

... get marrie' in that village with two young men, cousin' to each other, and how one pair, a year avter, emigrate' to Louisiana with li'l' baby name' Fortune, and—once mo' that old story—they are bound to the captain of the ship for the prise of the passage till somebody in Ammerica rid-eem them and they are bound to him to work that out. And coming accrozz, the father—ship-fever—die', and arriving, the passage is pay by ...
— The Flower of the Chapdelaines • George W. Cable

... rempart, apres la prise du cavalier, et ouvrirent la porte dite de Kilia aux soldats du general Koutouzow."—Hist, de ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 6 • Lord Byron

... was happie next Tellus;" thinking hee would haue attributed to him the second place. "Forsoth (quoth he) that is Cleobis and Bito, which were Argiues, and liued a contented life. And in all pastimes to proue force and maisterie, they bare away the prise and victorie. And of them these thinges be remembred; when the feastfull day of Iuppiter was celebrated amonges the Argiues; their mother should be caried to the Temple in a Chariot, drawen with a yoke of Oxen, which were not come out of the countrie at the appointed time. The yonge men seinge ...
— The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1 • William Painter

... tonique, stimulante, febrifuge et astringente: prise avec de l'eau elle est aperitive et raffraichissante: elle est aussi un puissant preservatif contre les fievres et la dyssenterie, maladies si frequentes dans les pays chauds, pour lesquels elle a ete ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 197, August 6, 1853 • Various

... we in the Minion on the Mulet, which we took; but the Venturuse sailed so swift that we could not take her. The one we took was the richest except the admiral, which had taken 80 libs, of gold, the Venturuse having only 22 libs.; while our prise had 50. They had been above two months on the coast; but three others had been there before them, and had departed a month before our arrival, having swept the coast of 700 pounds of gold. Having continued the chase all that day and night, ...
— A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume VII • Robert Kerr

... que tout ceci ne fut qu'une bete italienne qui so serait echauffee, et qui aurait pris des chimeres pour des verites, ce qui pourrait encore bien etre, cette femme ne parait rien moins que prudente et tranquille. Je crois, cependant, que la peine qu'on aurait prise de savoir ce qu'elle veut declarer serait si legere, qu'on ne la regretterait pas, quand meme on decouvrirait que cette femme n'est qu'une folle."—"Oeuvres de Frederic le Grand," vol. xix. p. 91.] She had almost resolved not to seek the marquis again, or if she did ...
— Frederick The Great and His Family • L. Muhlbach

Words linked to "Prise" :   fear, disesteem, extort, open up, open, regard, think the world of, revere, esteem, wring from, consider, prize, disrespect, venerate, look up to, reverence, admire, view, loose, loosen, see, reckon

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