"Pol" Quotes from Famous Books
... in these parts, and a greater contrast with those of Brittany cannot be conceived. There you find no upper or middle-class element, no progress, little communication with the outer world; some of the towns even, St. Pol de Leon, for instance, being literally asleep. Here all is life, bustle, and animation, and, though we are now amid a Catholic community, order and comparative cleanliness prevail. Some of the cottage gardens are quite charming, and handsome modern homes in large numbers denote the ... — Holidays in Eastern France • Matilda Betham-Edwards
... Boulogne, retaining, however, for his own use the revenues! This solemn act bears the date of the year 1478, and is entitled, "Conveyance of Louis the Eleventh to the Virgin of Boulogne, of the right and title of the fief and homage of the county of Boulogne, which is held by the Count of Saint Pol, to render a faithful account before the ... — Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3) • Isaac D'Israeli
... Caravantes. - Pizarro y Orellana, Discurso Leg. y Pol., ap. Varones Ilust. Gonzalo Pizarro, when taken prisoner by President Gasca, challenged him to point out any quarter of the country in which the royal grant had been carried into effect by a specific assignment ... — The History Of The Conquest Of Peru • William H. Prescott
... —Pol, me occidistis, amici, Non servastis, ait; cui sic extorta voluptas, Et demtus per vim mentis gratissimus error. HOR. Lib. ii. ... — The Works of Samuel Johnson in Nine Volumes - Volume IV: The Adventurer; The Idler • Samuel Johnson
... was the Colonel's inner circle, gathered by telephone at twenty-four hours' notice, as they so often were. No course that the chef had contributed to the rather too elaborate menu was new to them. The Pol Roger which the big English butler was just starting on his second round was of the vintage year usually to be found on the Colonel's wine list, and on most intelligently supervised wine lists. A dinner for twelve, like plenty of little dinners elsewhere, no more correct ... — The Wishing Moon • Louise Elizabeth Dutton
... the King, whom men called "The Fell," but who was, he said, the ablest of the Valois, and would do much for France—though not by the means then deemed most honorable,—being far ahead of his Age. He spoke of the brave, dead St. Pol, the Constable—after Dunois, the greatest since Du Guesclin's time. He told her of their palaces . . . of the life of their women, though he touched but lightly upon its loose gayety . . . of the cities . ... — Beatrix of Clare • John Reed Scott
... lived on Rocky Fork of Webb's Creek she could see far down into the valley of Pigeon River and across the ridge on all sides. Her house stood at the very top of Hawks Nest, the highest peak in all the country around. Pol didn't have a tight house like several down near the sawmill. She said it wasn't healthy. Even when the owner of the portable mill offered her leftover planks to cover her log house where the daubin had fallen out, Pol refused. "The holes let the wind in and the cat out," she'd say, "and a ... — Blue Ridge Country • Jean Thomas |
Words linked to "Pol" : technocrat, national leader, Grigori Aleksandrovich Potemkin, Alben Barkley, Barkley, party boss, party man, Ross, Astor, Charles Joseph Clark, candidate, Grigori Potemkin, boss, Grigori Potyokin, Thomas Bradley, 1st Baron Beaverbrook, Mullah Mohammed Omar, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Bryan, Nellie Tayloe Ross, peel, Crockett, Andre Maginot, party liner, Stephen Arnold Douglas, noncandidate, Whig, Potyokin, the Great Compromiser, Aaron Burr, Jesse Jackson, David Crockett, republican, William Jennings Bryan, chase, standard-bearer, Stephen A. Douglas, leader, mugwump, campaigner, Labourite, Davy Crockett, federalist, Tom Bradley, communist, Samuel Houston, sachem, Webster, clay, rabble-rouser, Mullah Omar, statesman, Robert Peel, Maginot, demagog, Nancy Witcher Astor, Viscountess Astor, Rankin, nominee, Jackson, Bradley, McCarthy, Jesse Louis Jackson, Great Commoner, Douglas, Clark, Alben William Barkley, hack, Beaverbrook, ward-heeler, Henry Clay, Salmon P. Chase, Clinton, Joseph Raymond McCarthy, DeWitt Clinton, Joe Clark, politician, solon, William Henry Seward, Sir Robert Peel, Boy Orator of the Platte, socialist, William Maxwell Aitken, Seward, Moynihan, Glenda Jackson, Nellie Ross, Little Giant, democrat, Sam Houston, burr, Joseph McCarthy, demagogue, Jeannette Rankin, Salmon Portland Chase, Houston, Potemkin, Daniel Webster |
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