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Pic   /pɪk/   Listen

A form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement.  Synonyms: film, flick, motion-picture show, motion picture, movie, moving-picture show, moving picture, picture, picture show.  "The film was shot on location"
A representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material.  Synonyms: exposure, photo, photograph, picture.

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"Pic" Quotes from Famous Books

... had given that her European visitors should attend upon her in the garden, was neither more nor less than an invitation to a garden party, or pic-nic, to be held the following day at one of her surburban retreats named Anosy, about half-a-mile from the city. Accordingly, early in the morning—for the Malagasy are early risers—their friend the Interpreter came to conduct them to the spot, with a gift of a striped ...
— The Fugitives - The Tyrant Queen of Madagascar • R.M. Ballantyne

... the sea-breeze set in, we returned part of the way along the lake, and then ascended to the parsonage of Nossa Senhora da Cabeca, where we were joined by several other persons who had come to dine there with us. The Padre Manoel Gomez received us very kindly, and our pic-nic was spread in the ample veranda of his parsonage. Behind the veranda three small rooms served for sleeping-room, kitchen, and pantry. Half a dozen small cottages in the field behind contain the healthy-looking negroes ...
— Journal of a Voyage to Brazil - And Residence There During Part of the Years 1821, 1822, 1823 • Maria Graham

... side, gone on to Scott's Pic [Peak]. Feroce, O feroce, comme un loupgarou! Ah! c'est joli, ca!' And over-flowing with the wildest glee the girl danced along through the woods in front of me, now pausing to look at something in her hand, now laughing, now ...
— Castle Nowhere • Constance Fenimore Woolson

... train at least one devoted dangler, whom she could play off, whenever opportunity required, against some more valuable admirer. Besides, Strachan was a man of family, tall, good-looking, and unquestionably clever in his way: he also danced the polka well, and was useful in the ball-room or the pic-nic. So Mary Rivers kept him on in a kind of blissful dream, just sunning him sufficiently with her smiles to make him believe that he was beloved, but never allowing matters to go so far as to lead to the report that they were engaged. Tom asked for nothing more. He ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, No. 382, October 1847 • Various

... hoped to earn that evening was to pay the lodgings in which he and his wife were staying, you may be sure there was a heart sickness about his disappointment far beyond the mortification of mere self-love. When a rainy day stops a pic-nic, or mars the enjoyment of it, although the disappointment is hardly a serious one, still it is sure to cause so much real suffering, that only rancorous old ladies will rejoice in the fact. It is curious how men who have known disappointment themselves, and who ...
— The Recreations of A Country Parson • A. K. H. Boyd

... Garonne between Montauban and Toulouse. I accompanied them in an excursion to the Pyrenees, including a stay of some duration at Bagneres de Bigorre, a journey to Pau, Bayonne, and Bagneres de Luchon, and an ascent of the Pic du Midi de Bigorre. ...
— Autobiography • John Stuart Mill

... me in the spirit first of all to the cave of Gargas near Aventiron, under the shadow of the Pic du Midi in the High Pyrenees. Half-way up a hill, in the midst of a wilderness of rocky fragments, the relics of the ice-age, is a smallish hole, down which we clamber into a spacious but low-roofed grotto, stretching back five hundred feet or so into infinite darkness. Hard by the mouth, ...
— Anthropology • Robert Marett

... were opened to save her, or perish, could she cast a thought on Royalty, and refuse? The Queen was saved the villa was burnt; the young Habral was ruined, but, if I know a Portuguese, he was happy till he died, and well remunerated! For he had held a Queen to his heart! So that was a pic-nic!' ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... had last seen in London, arrived at Warsaw with her husband and Pic the dancer. She had a letter of introduction to the king's brother, who was a general in the Austrian service, and then resided at Warsaw. I heard that the day they came, when I was at supper at the palatin's. The king was present, and said he should like to keep them in Warsaw for a week and see ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... credit to a society dame in St. Petersburg. By way of commencement we had tea and nalifka, the latter a kind of currant wine of local manufacture and very well flavored. They gave us corned beef and bread, each person taking his plate upon his knee as at an American pic-nic, and after two or three courses of edibles we had coffee and cigarettes, the latter from a manufactory at Yakutsk. According to Russian etiquette each of us thanked the ...
— Overland through Asia; Pictures of Siberian, Chinese, and Tartar - Life • Thomas Wallace Knox

... philanthropic societies. Their general life must have been very dull. Some traditionary merriment always lingered among the working classes of England. Both in town and country they had always their games and fairs and junketing parties, which have developed into excursion trains and colossal pic-nics. But of all classes of the community, in the days of our fathers, there was none so unfortunate in respect of public amusements as the bachelors about town. There were, one might almost say, only two theatres, and ...
— Endymion • Benjamin Disraeli

... meet in the evening and return together by the same train, the latter scattered themselves over the neighbouring common and green fields, and, sitting down under the hedgerows among the wild-flowers, pic-nicked in the sunshine, or wandered about the lanes, enjoying the song of birds and scent of flowers, and wishing, perchance, that their lot had been cast among the green pastures of the country, rather than amid the din and smoke ...
— The Iron Horse • R.M. Ballantyne

... dates, and quinces, and syrups, which may be thought easy to be brought in by a poet. In his idyl of "Audley Court" he gives a most appetizing description of a pasty at a pic-nic:— ...
— The Book of Household Management • Mrs. Isabella Beeton

... Fortune, [Greek: agathae tuchae], whence Agathe, Agde. A Greek settlement, its fine old church was in part constructed of the materials of a temple to Diana of Ephesus. Agde possesses interest of another kind. It is built of lava, the solitary peak rising behind it, called Le Pic de St. Loup, being the southern extremity of that chain of extinct volcanoes beginning with Mont Mezenc in the Cantal. A pathetic souvenir is attached to this lonely crater. At a time when geological ardour was rare, a Bishop of Agde, St. Simon by name, devoted ...
— In the Heart of the Vosges - And Other Sketches by a "Devious Traveller" • Matilda Betham-Edwards

... reading of their 'alumni' is strongly marked in this (in so many respects) excellent work: for example, the "most believing mind," with which Lacunza takes for granted the exploded fable of the Catechumens' ('vulgo' Apostles') Creed having been the quotient of an Apostolic 'pic-nic', to which each of the twelve contributed his ...
— Coleridge's Literary Remains, Volume 4. • Samuel Taylor Coleridge

... would," said Lucindy. "And I'll bring down some cake and pickles, and some honey, and we'll have a pic-nic in ...
— Our Young Folks at Home and Abroad • Various

... Pic de Nere, 3.75 hrs. from Luz, there and back 6.5 hrs.; a delightful excursion, which can be made on horseback part of the way: guide 12, horse ...
— Masques & Phases • Robert Ross

... intervals of relaxation from these fatigues, when they return to a town life, they endeavour to prove the activity of their energies and the benevolence of their characters, by getting up balls and pic-nics, solely to promote the happiness of the ladies. But notwithstanding this appearance of devotion to the fair sex, their best affections are never withdrawn from the companion of their hearts — the brandy flask. They evince ...
— The Bushman - Life in a New Country • Edward Wilson Landor

... stones, worn by the action of water. per cus'sion, requiring to be struck; the act of striking. per'fume, scent or odor of sweet-smelling substances. pe'ri od, portion of time; an interval. per'ished, died; were destroyed. per mis'sion, the act of allowing; consent. pic'nick ing, having an outdoor party. pier, a landing-place for vessels. pierce, force a way into or through an object. pil'lars, columns; huge masses. pin'cers, jaws; pinchers. pit'e ous, fitted to excite pity; ...
— New National Fourth Reader • Charles J. Barnes and J. Marshall Hawkes

... proceeded southwards, with variable winds, till the 25th of April, when, at day-break, a very high land was seen in the latitude of 141/2 deg. (Bougainville's "Pic de l'Etoile," the "Star Island" or Merlav, of modern charts.) They ...
— The First Discovery of Australia and New Guinea • George Collingridge

... stage, and make each one the inauguration of a new friendship. I wish I could subjoin an illustration of "How I travelled through Franche-Comte," for my exploration of these regions was a succession of pic-nics—host, hostess, their English guest, Swiss nurse-maid, and two little fair-haired boys, being cosily packed in an open carriage; on the seat beside the driver, a huge basket, suggesting creature comforts, the neck of a wine bottle, and the spout of a tea-pot being conspicuous above the ...
— Holidays in Eastern France • Matilda Betham-Edwards

... up deficiencies of kit preparatory to a campaign, and in that work he steals best who steals last. "Ah, Mulcahy, you're in good time," he shouted, "We've got the route, and we're off on Thursday for a pic-nic wid the ...
— This is "Part II" of Soldiers Three, we don't have "Part I" • Rudyard Kipling

Words linked to "Pic" :   production, sequence, photocopy, home movie, mosaic, holograph, final cut, snapshot, cheesecake, 3-D, credits, spectrograph, blowup, photographic print, coming attraction, scene, telefilm, frame, hologram, feature film, closeup, shoot, silents, arial mosaic, credit, skiagram, show, infotainment, picture, rough cut, longshot, product, short subject, 3D, glossy, mugshot, enlargement, time exposure, blueprint, photomosaic, documentary, dub, episode, mug shot, exposure, shoot-'em-up, snap, take, shadowgraph, slow motion, talkie, film noir, documentary film, daguerreotype, beefcake, three-d, skiagraph, picture show, silent movie, print, microdot, photomicrograph, black and white, musical theater, skin flick, tape, radiogram, headshot, videotape, vignette, reshoot, collage film, docudrama, cinema verite, shot, caption, subtitle, still, monochrome, musical, musical comedy, talking picture, telephoto, representation, photo, stereo, synchronize, feature, radiograph, magnification, spectrogram, telephotograph, synchronise

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