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Phytology   Listen

The branch of biology that studies plants.  Synonym: botany.

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Words linked to "Phytology" :   aroid, convolute, fastigiate, division, bast, annual, autogamic, peristome, arthrosporous, scapose, caulescent, radical, parthenocarpy, umbelliform, alliaceous, perennial, clathrate, determinate, plant kingdom, foliation, dextrorsal, plant, style, foliolate, coma, cork, calyceal, Plantae, capsular, pitcher, biennial, axial, two-year, dissilience, brachiate, biological science, acropetal, ariled, staminate, axile, acroscopic, rugose, phellem, bryophytic, capsulated, aphyllous, apogametic, autotrophic, homostyled, bladed, plant life, two-lipped, apogamy, calycine, apothecial, cruciferous, ascosporic, basipetal, homostylic, kingdom Plantae, panicled, sinistrorsal, basidiomycetous, imbricate, leaf node, flora, lip, natural scientist, ascocarpous, apomictical, bifid, achlamydeous, antheral, pistillate, capsulate, apophysis, ligneous, lobe, one-year, apogamic, dextrorse, stemmed, phytologist, trifid, torulose, assurgent, pteridology, alternate, papilla, double, invaginate, tomentose, calycinal, basal, leafing, plant hormone, botany, single, racemose, involute, archegonial, pentamerous, homostylous, epiphytic, arthrosporic, terete, autophytic, exogamous, imbricated, palaeobotany, phyllodial, germ tube, araceous, mycology, endogamic, phytohormone, heterotrophic, spicate, asclepiadaceous, unsubdivided, scurf, archegoniate, aggregate, acarpellous, blister, paired, spike, cauline, simple, arillate, compound, axillary, ascosporous, pollen tube, alar, biology, corolla, smooth, etiolation, corona, aerial, root, convoluted, paniculate, acarpelous, self-pollinating, bilabiate, carpellate, endogamous, rough, apomictic, phycology, outward-developing, cyclic, indeterminate, bicapsular, exogamic, phloem, acyclic, sporulate, naturalist, paleobotany, node, callus, vernation, comate, diclinous, cohesion, cambial, growth regulator, apogamous, bullate, cancellated, autogamous, stemless, basifixed, squamulose, composite, ligule, pomology, cancellate, basidiosporous, myrmecophytic, chlamydeous, archesporial, cymose, acaulescent, estivation, aestivation, inward-developing, involucrate, calyx, monoclinous, opposite, precocious, rolled, taproot, comose, venation, sinistrorse, embryo, lithophytic, algology, foliate, comal, umbelliferous, basiscopic

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